BrazilRAP Sao Paulo 2030 Plan released
Following the launch of BrazilRAP São Paulo in May, programme lead Department of Highways (DER-SP) has released its 2024-2030 Plan which aims to halve the state’s road traffic fatalities supported by use of the iRAP methodology and tools to eliminate high-risk roads...
BrazilRAP São Paulo launches: First state programme to eliminate high-risk roads
Governor Tarcisio de Freitas, iRAP Global Projects Director Julio Urzua, Secretary of Infrastructure State of São Paulo Natalia Resende, and Director DER-SP Sergio Codelo with signed RAP agreement The Government of São Paulo, through the DER (Department of Highways),...
Meet an iRAP Accredited Inspection System Supplier – Strata
Strata is a consultancy engineering company specializing in transport infrastructure, also operating in the mining, energy and sanitation markets. Strata is Brazil’s largest highway consultancy, project and monitoring company working in the road safety industry....
CycleRAP News: Attesting Safety of Pampulha Lagoon Cycle Path Redesign
Image credit: Metrics Mobilidade Metrics Mobilidade, with a team with over 30 years’ experience in urban mobility studies and cycling infrastructure design, has joined our CycleRAP family as our first licensed supplier in Latin America, analysing the safety of cycle...
Vision Zero Academy Course boosts capacity in Brazil
iRAP has been supporting the Vision Zero Academy Course delivered in Brazil since 2021 and has provided infrastructure safety training to more than 630 participants through the programme. The most recent training, delivered in February reached 183 participants with a...
iRAP joins forces to launch Brazil’s Road Safety Pact
Yesterday, iRAP joined forces with eleven public and private entities in launching Brazil’s Road Safety Pact, a campaign to promote road safety and reduce crashes on the Brazilian road network. The campaign is one of ten work fronts formalized by the Technical...
CycleRAP News: Crowdsourcing cycling safety data in one of Latin America’s largest cities
The Cyclists Association of São Paulo, Ciclocidade, is working closely with the municipality to promote safe and sustainable mobility and use the bicycle as an instrument of city transformation. The entity has as its principle active participation and acts to include...
DNIT Brazil awarded Winner of coveted international Gary Liddle Memorial Award
Mrs Meredith Liddle; Julio Urzua, iRAP Strategic Projects Director, collecting the trophy on behalf of DNIT; and Miquel Nadal, iRAP Board Chairman The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) has proudly announced Brazil’s National Department of Transport...
DNIT Brazil awarded a Finalist for coveted international Gary Liddle Memorial Award
The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) has proudly announced Brazil’s National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT) as a Finalist for the iRAP Gary Liddle Memorial Trophy presented to the world’s best performing road authority eliminating...
BrazilRAP DNIT delivers 54,500km of roads coded by iRAP
Brazil’s National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT) has completed the coding and star rating classification of 54,500 km of paved federal highways under its administration using the iRAP methodology. For the federal road network coded by the DNIT,...
iRAP featured in Revista Carreteras Magazine including “Brazil Aiming for the Stars” (in Spanish)
Thanks to the Spanish Road Association (Revista Téchnica de la Asociación Española do le Carretera) for its 7-page feature on “Brazil Aiming for the Stars” in the latest issue 237 of Revista Carreteras Magazine. The issue also includes two additional articles that...
MInfra institutes 5-year agenda for road safety on Brazil’s highways including iRAP
Republished with machine translation from https://www.gov.br/ The Federal Government of Brazil has instituted a landmark Five Year Permanent Agenda for Road Safety which aims to promote actions and public policies to prevent road crashes on highways, with iRAP...
Meeting of Brazilian Actors to shape national discussion ahead of UN High-Level Meeting
We are pleased to join this week’s Road Safety Actors Meeting in Brazil, a pre-meeting on national efforts ahead of the UN High-Level Meeting for Road Safety to be held in New York from 30 June to 1 July. The Road Safety Actors Meeting, promoted by the Pan American...
26,000 of target 54,000km of Brazil’s Federal Highways assessed for safety
Reproduced from Brazil’s Ministry of Infrastructure website using machine translation The National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT) has advanced in the safety assessment of Brazil’s federal highways using the iRAP methodology, From a survey...
iRAP Methodology showcased at DNIT’s 4th Planning Week
The iRAP methodology is on show at Brazil’s National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT) Fourth Planning Week this week in accordance with its nation-wide implementation, certified with the inov@BR seal. A BrazilRAP survey of 62,000km of federal roads is...
Survey vehicle hitches ride to archipelago paradise
Today, iRAP accredited supplier Pavesys Engenharia is transporting their survey vehicle to the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, Brazil to perform an iRAP assessment. Fernando de Noronha is located 350 kms off Brazil’s northeast coast and is a protected...
Minister welcomes DNIT’s 5-Star Performer Award, Brazil
Left to right: Luiz Guilherme de Mello (Director, DNIT), General Santos Filho (Director General, DNIT), Tarcísio de Freitas (Minister of Infrastructure, Brazil) and Julio Urzua (Global Projects Director, iRAP) Brazil’s Minister of Infrastructure Tarcísio de...
VíaSegura: Digital technology for improving road safety
Reproduced from IDB’s Moviliblog According to the World Health Organization (WHO), traffic crashes are responsible for 1.35 million deaths worldwide. Traffic fatalities are an avoidable public health crisis that particularly impacts low- and middle-income...
PiPa PPP investment assures 3-star or better safety for 2.8m people in Sao Paulo
Innovative Public-Private Partnership (PPP) investment in 3-star of better roads in Brazil was shared yesterday by the Global Infrastructure Hub, International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Agência Reguladora de Serviços Públicos Delegados de Transporte do Estado de...
BrazilRAP News: iRAP Methodology awarded Inov@BR Seal
Implementation of the iRAP Methodology by the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT) has been certified with the inov@BR seal, from the Brazilian Ministry of Infrastructure. Inov@BR consists of the Policy for the Modernization of the Federal Highway...
Vision Zero Academy Course, Brazil profiles iRAP and Safer Infrastructure
150 participants attended an iRAP Special Session today on Safer Infrastructure as part of the Vision Zero Academy Course, Brazil. The 2 week digital Course for the Brazilian National Secretariat of Transport launched on 1 February and includes the participation of...
Another Brazilian concession – North Rodoanel – includes iRAP as road safety metric
ARTESP, on the authority of The Government of São Paulo, has opened bidding for the resumption of works on the North Rodoanel 31-year concession including iRAP as the road safety metric. A R$3 billion (USD$550 million) investment is planned for the expansion,...
Rodovias & Vias Magazine: “Aiming for the iRAP Stars”
Issue 129 of Brazil’s main infrastructure publication Rodovias & Vias has showcased iRAP as the definitive guide and method saving lives and transforming road infrastructure safety in Brazil and worldwide with a featured interview with iRAP Global Projects...