Innovation Workshops
Held annually the iRAP Innovation Workshop is an invitation-only event which brings together policy and technical leaders along with investment experts and those with the capacity to implement change and eliminate high-risk roads.
It includes global leaders who, together, will play a significant role in ensuring that safer infrastructure and safer vehicles deliver their potential in creating a safe road and transport system.
Now in its 10th year, previous Innovation Workshops have been held in Sweden, USA, Australia, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and online.

Innovation Workshop 2023
The 2023 Innovation Workshop will be held 5-6 October 2023 at the Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic. It is being held in association with the XXVIIth World Road Congress from 2-6 October organised by PIARC (World Road Association) and the Czech Road Society, supported by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Road Association.
Now in its 10th year, the Innovation Workshop will be a 2-day event for registered delegates of the World Road Congress. With the theme “Safer Roads for People and Planet”, presentations and discussions will explore innovations in road agency leadership, data, investment planning and finance that can be used to implement change and deliver on the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 and the Paris Agreement.
Road safety is critical to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Road crashes remain the biggest killer of young people worldwide and transport produces around 25% of man-made carbon emissions. Innovative policies, tools and action are needed to meet international and national road safety and sustainable transport targets through solutions that deliver for both people and the planet. Promoting active mobility is central to decarbonizing urban mobility. But as more people move to sustainable modes such as walking and cycling, exposure to conflicts with large, high-speed vehicles increase. It is therefore essential the safety of all road users is at the heart of transport planning and policy. Policy experts are embracing Safe System principles in support of Vision Zero goals and the potential for 5-star users in 5-star modes of transport on 5-star roads at safe speeds to provide the framework for that to occur.
The 2023 iRAP Innovation Workshop will bring together leaders and experts in road safety innovation, policy, technologies and investment from across the world. In addition, attendees registered for the Congress will have access to the more than 60 Technical Sessions, Workshops and Foresight Sessions, as well as the Congress Dinner and networking opportunities with 40+ Ministers, 3,500+ delegates and 300 exhibitors from 120 countries.
Seats are strictly limited!
For more information:
- See the speaker line-up and download the Innovation Workshop Programme here
- To register for the Workshop, click here.
- For further information on the World Road Congress and to register for it, visit Note, the Innovation Workshop and World Road Congress have separate registration processes and you’ll need to register for both events separately.
Innovation Workshop 2021
The 2021 iRAP Innovation Workshop was held on 7 and 14 October 2021 and attracted 1,314 registrations from 124 countries. The 2-part online event with the theme “Data-Driven Innovation to Halve Road Fatalities and Injuries by 2030” brought together global innovation, AI, policy, technical and road safety leaders, along with investment experts, with the capacity to implement change and eliminate high-risk roads.
Big data and artificial intelligence can play a lead role in building the social and economic business case for safer roads and creating the scale of change needed to save millions of lives.
The event was co-hosted by Regional Road Safety Observatories (RRSO) in Africa (ARSO), Asia-Pacific (APRSO), Ibero-America (OISEVI), Europe (ERSO), Western Balkans (WBRSO) and Eastern Partnership Road Safety Observatory (EaP).
For a summary on this event please click here
Innovation Workshop 2020
The 2020 Innovation Workshop was held on 17 – 18 February 2020, as an official pre-event of the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety. It was co-hosted by iRAP, the International Transport Forum and World Bank Global Road Safety Facility, with the support of UK Aid and the FIA Foundation. The Workshop brought together 140 road safety advocates, experts and stakeholders from 32 countries around the world.
With the theme “Achieving the UN Road Safety Targets by 2030”, presentations explored how innovation in planning, design, financing, upgrading roads and sharing success can help to provide the global structure needed to deliver the UN Global Road Safety Targets 3 and 4, harness the power of big data to save lives, create safer cities and journeys for vulnerable road users, and secure investment for impact on scale.
For a summary on this event please click here
Vision Zero & Innovation Workshop 2018
The Vision Zero and Innovation Workshop 2018 was hosted by iRAP, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) from 28-29 November 2018 at the IDB Bank Cultural Centre in Washington DC, USA. With the announcement of the UN Global Road Safety Targets and catalytic action and impact called for as part of the establishment of the UN Road Safety Trust Fund, partnerships and innovation in financing, planning, design and delivery of transport services worldwide will be essential to meet ‘Vision Zero’. The 2018 Workshop focussed on Safer Cities, Vision Zero and iRAP Innovation, Policy Leadership and the UN Targets, Global Case Studies of Success, Road Safety Metrics and the Road Safety Observatories, Innovation Partnerships for the Future (Cities, Big Data, Designs and Light Data), Safer Roads by Policy and Design, and Health, Insurance and Road Safety Investment Innovation.
For a summary on this event please click here
iRAP Innovation Workshop 2017
The iRAP Innovation Workshop 2017 was held 8-10 November at the Automotive Campus in Helmond, Netherlands. Hosted by EuroRAP and the Royal Dutch Automobile Club (ANWB), with support from the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA), the FIA Foundation and the Road Safety Fund, the theme of the event was Tackling the transition to automated vehicles.
iRAP Innovation Workshop 2016
The iRAP Innovation Workshop 2016 was held at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington DC, USA. The UN Sustainable Development Goals set the challenge to halve road deaths and injuries by 2020 (Goal 3.6) as well as the achievement of safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all (Goal 11.2) and connected people and products via infrastructure to support economic development and human well-being (Goal 9.1). With four years to go until 2020, the Workshop explored innovation in leadership, policy, technology, implementation and funding to meet the UN SDGs.
iRAP Innovation Workshop 2015
The iRAP Innovation Workshop 2015, held at the Royal Horseguards Hotel, London, UK, provided a platform for partners using iRAP tools and those involved in road infrastructure safety more broadly to transfer their know-how quickly to each other through mutual support and friendly competition. The Workshop aimed to be a catalyst for innovation, investment, scale and capacity building to make the target of reducing road deaths to less than 600,000 per year achievable.
iRAP Innovation Workshop 2014
iRAP’s third Innovation Workshop was held at ARRB’s headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. The Workshop was hosted by AusRAP leaders The Australian Automobile Association (AAA), Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV), Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and VicRoads. A collection of 32 presentations from the workshop covered topics such as Star Ratings of roads, before-and-after upgrades, targeted road maintenance to improve safety and mobile phone probe data for traffic speed measurements.
iRAP Innovation Workshop 2013
In 2013, the world’s best in road infrastructure safety gathered at the World Bank in Washington for iRAP’s second Innovation Workshop. The Workshop was hosted by usRAP partners The American Automobile Association (AAA) FTS and MRIGlobal. This Workshop captured the enormous scale of effort being made in policy development, technical application and research around the world to save lives and serious injuries on safer roads globally.
iRAP Innovation Workshop 2012
The first iRAP Innovation Workshop was held at TRL Headquarters in Berkshire, UK and brought together experts in road safety engineering from around the world. Participants discussed ways in which innovation in methodology, technology, policy and processes would help support the massive growth in road assessments and ensure that results translated into life-saving road improvements.