iRAP specifications, manuals and guides explain how to perform iRAP activities.
Standard Terms of Reference
The iRAP Standard TOR is designed to assist those who want to undertake or procure iRAP-specification activities. It can be used as the basis of a project plan and/or in the process of engaging practitioners to deliver services. The TOR can form the basis of a future contract with practitioners.
iRAP Inspection System – Accreditation Specification
This specification sets out the requirements for an inspection system to gain iRAP accreditation, which relates to road surveys and coding systems that are used as part of the process of producing Star Ratings and Safer Roads Investment Plans (SRIP).
iRAP Survey Manual
This manual presents guidelines for the collection of road survey data, which is part of the process of producing Star Ratings and Safer Roads Investment Plans (SRIP).
Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) User Guide BETA VERSION
This guide provides instructions on how to use Star Rating for Designs (SR4D),a web application in ViDA which can be used to code existing roads and road designs.
This is currently in a BETA version – a final version will be made available shortly.
Star Ratings for Road Safety Audit (SR4RSA)
The manual provides policy makers and practitioners with advice on how Road Safety Audits (RSA) and iRAP assessments can be used together during the design, upgrade, and rehabilitation of roads to meet safety targets and reduce injuries from traffic crashes.
iRAP Crash Risk Mapping
This Specifications and Manual document details the principles of the Crash Risk Mapping protocol, how networks are constructed and the rationale for the selection of routes and their related parameters in building a dataset. It also sets out both the technical specification and the design and cartographic specification for the production of iRAP Crash Risk Maps to an internationally consistent and standardised format and style.