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Frequently asked questions – iRAP’s training and accreditation process 

Question: My company has two different inspection systems. Can we use the accreditation for both systems?

Answer: Each system needs to be accredited separately.

Question: My company has two vehicles with the same type of inspection system. Do we need to submit an application for both vehicles?

Answer: No, each type of Inspection system can only be accredited once. If the company has more than one vehicle with the same system, the accreditation covers all of them. 

Question: My company works closely with another company and both companies have the same system, can we use my accredited certificate for both companies?

Answer: The accreditation is awarded to the company which manufactures the inspection system. If there are different companies using it, the companies can each say that they use a system that is iRAP accredited.

Question: Can I just send my surveys and the projects I have been working on in order to renew my accreditation?

Answer: At the renewal phase, iRAP will assess supplier performance, client feedback, and compliance with the Code of Conduct. A new training programme is recommended and may be a required for accreditation renewal.

Question: What iRAP activities are eligible for accreditation?

Answer: Survey, Coding, and Analysis and Reporting are the three types of activities eligible for accreditation. The individual can become accredited for one or all of these activities.

Question: Is iRAP accreditation compulsory?

Answer: No, It is possible to do iRAP assessments without accreditation. However, we strongly recommend that you take training and we also encourage organisations that are performing and/or commissioning iRAP assessments to make use of accredited personnel.
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The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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