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​iRAP is registered in England as a charity (no. 1140357) which was founded in 2006. It is an umbrella organisation for local road assessment programmes and partners including BrazilRAPEuroRAPThaiRAPMyRAPIndiaRAPusRAPKiwiRAPChinaRAPAusRAP and SARAP. We also aim to facilitate work and support national programmes in a wide range of low, middle and high-income countries.

iRAP’s charitable objectives are the international promotion of the improvement of road safety and the quality of roads for the public benefit. iRAP works in partnership with government and non-government organisations to:

  • inspect high-risk roads and develop Targeted Road Safety Plans
  • provide training, technology and support that will build and sustain national, regional and local capability
  • track road safety performance so that funding agencies can assess the benefits of their investments.

iRAP is bound by the laws of the UK, including the Charities Act 1993 (as amended by the Charities Act 2006, 2011 and 2016) and Bribery Act 2010. iRAP is supported by charitable donations. iRAP takes a zero tolerance approach to bribery, fraud, sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.  Any concerns should be reported to iRAP’s Chief Financial Officer (

iRAP is governed by a Board of Trustees and the Global Policy Advisory Committee (GPAC) and Global Technical Committee (GTC) provide strategic advice to the Board on a range of issues. 

Board of Trustees

iRAP Trustees are internationally acknowledged as experts in the road safety field and non-profit sector. The Trustees are responsible for the proper administration of the organisation, have a duty to act collectively, and must act in the best interests of the charity. iRAP’s current chairman is Miquel Nadal.

Miquel Nadal


Avi Silverman

Deputy Director, FIA Foundation

Ferry Smith

Sue Sharland

Former CEO, TRL

Shane O’Connor

Communications Advisor, FedEx

Ian Gillespie

Former CEO, RACQ

Raquel Barrios

Project Manager, Global Youth Coalition – Youth for Road Safety (YOURS)

Dr Olive Kobusingye

Ugandan Emergency Surgeon and Global Injury Epidemiologist

iRAP Global Technical Committee (GTC)

The iRAP Global Technical Committee (GTC) governs the iRAP model development and oversees the technical integrity of iRAP protocols worldwide. The GTC reports directly to the iRAP Board and is comprised of experts from leading road safety organisations and research agencies from around the world. The GTC ensures that the latest road safety research is included and that the model is consistently applied.

A GTC member is an individual who is a respected road safety researcher or practitioner and who has the knowledge, skills and experience required to perform a governance and oversight role of the iRAP models. The Global Technical Committee (GTC) currently has 15 members.

Rob McInerney

Chief Executive Officer, iRAP

James Bradford

Global Technical Director, iRAP

Monica Olyslagers

Global Innovation Manager and Cities Specialist, iRAP

Dr Alberto Mendoza Diaz

Coordinador de Seguridad y Operacion del Transportey, Mexican Institute of Transportation

David McTiernan

National Leader Transport Safety, ARRB

Dr Tiejun Zhang

Principal Engineer, Beijing Zhongjiaohuaan Technology Co Ltd

Dr. Nusayba Megat Johari

iRAP Malaysia Programme Manager & Research Officer, Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS)

Dr John Fletcher

Practice Lead, International Safety, TRL

Doug Harwood

Govert Schermers

Research and Project Manager, SWOV

Dr Blair Turner

Consultant, Global Road Safety Facility

Camila Belleza Maciel Barreto

Road Safety Coordinator, Labtrans

Prof. Kasem Choocharukul

 Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University

Prof. Sangjin Han

Professor at Transport Studies Group in Seoul National University (GSES)

Zachary Hans

Director of the Center for Weather Impacts on Mobility and Safety and a Senior Research Scientist, Iowa State University

iRAP Global Technical Committee (GTC) Alumni

Alvin Poi Wai Hoong

Research Officer, Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS)

Dr Steve Lawson


David Lynam

Retired Chief Research Scientist (formerly at TRL)

iRAP Global Policy Advisory Committee (GPAC)

The iRAP Global Policy Advisory Committee (GPAC) provides advice to the iRAP Board on a range of strategic issues. It upholds the key principles and objectives of iRAP in creating a world free of high-risk roads and working with partners to maximise the number of lives saved worldwide. 

Jamie Leather

GPAC Chair & Chief, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Transport Sector Group

Amadou Oumarou

Director, Infrastructure and Urban Development, African Development Bank

Ana Maria Pinto

Chief of Transport Division in Infrastructure and Energy Sector, Inter-American Development Bank

Estiara Ellizar

Youth Leadership Board Member, Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety – YOURS

Max Jensen

Head of Regional Transport Division, Mobility Department, European Investment Bank (EIB)

Patrick Mallejacq

Secretary General, PIARC (World Road Association)

Said Dahdah

Head, World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF)

Saul Billingsley

Executive Director, FIA Foundation

Stephen Karingi

Director, Regional Integration and Trade Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

Susanna Zammataro

Director General, International Road Federation – Geneva (IRF)

Young Tae Kim

Secretary General, International Transport Forum (ITF)

Yuwei Li

Director Sustainable Transport Division, UNECE

GPAC Delegates

David Shelton

Senior Transport Specialist (Road Safety), Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Brendan Halleman

Senior Road Safety Advisor, European Investment Bank (EIB)

Per Mathiasen

Senior Transport Engineer, European Investment Bank (EIB)

Reinaldo Daniel

Group Head, Infrastructure Finance, Transportation and Supply Chains, Inter-American Development Bank

Stephen Perkins

Head of the Transport Research Centre, International Transport Forum (ITF)

Project Specific Information and Governance:

UNRSF Ten Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure in improving the Safety Performance of WB projects in Tanzania (P175118)

iRAP Research and Evaluation of Road Projects in meeting the Global Road Safety Performance Target 3 (P175399)

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The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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