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Model scanning


A set of artificial intelligence models developed in the python programming language by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) with the help of iRAP. 

The models can be used to automate the detection of 15 road safety related elements, such as delineation, lighting, number of channels or lanes, and others, with accuracies ranging from 67% to 96%, facilitating the Coding process for the application of iRAP’s Star Rating methodology.

The models, which are freely available for use worldwide, can be added to any platform that can use the python language. iRAP Coding produced with Via Segura should still be subject to normal quality assurance checks, in accordance with iRAP Specifications.

VíaSegura: Digital technology for improving road safety

Reproduced from IDB's Moviliblog According to the World Health Organization (WHO), traffic crashes are responsible for 1.35 million deaths worldwide. Traffic fatalities are an avoidable public health crisis that particularly impacts low- and middle-income countries....
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The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
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Charity number 1140357

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