UN Secretary General’s report on the progress of improving global road safety (A/78/345)
This first progress report summary is a result from when the Secretary-General was invited to inform the General Assembly about the implementation of the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021–2030. It outlines the significant progress made in achieving the aims...
An open letter to Heads of State and Governments
Image credit and original post: Global Alliance of NGO’s for Road Safety The UN SDG Summit will take place at the UN Headquarters in New York on 18-19 September 2023. Read our open letter to world leaders below. Dear world leaders, We are writing to you today...
G20 leaders gather armed with appeal for safer roads investment to save lives
G20 leaders are on their way to the 18th Heads of State and Government Summit in India this week and iRAP advocacy has appealed for their commitment for results-based financing of 3-star or better road infrastructure to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals...
UNRSF 2022 Annual Report launches with iRAP Partner projects featured
iRAP partner work was celebrated in the UN Road Safety Fund 2022 Annual Report: Local Actions, Global Impacts launched on 25 May at a hybrid media event held during the ITF Summit in Leipzig Case stories in the Report feature results from the Fund’s 36 projects in 46...
UNOPS and iRAP announce partnership to support global road safety
UNOPS and the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) will work together to enhance support of the road safety sector by improving the safety of road infrastructure aligned to UN Global Targets for Road Safety. UNOPS and iRAP have established a partnership to...
Event Summary: UN High-level Meeting for Road Safety brings world leaders together for a Decade of Action and Delivery
Recognising the unacceptable scale of road trauma globally, World Leaders gathered in New York last week to commit to an increase in investment and action to ensure the SDG goal to halve road deaths and injuries by 2030 is met. Ensuring the Global Plan for the Decade...
UN High-level Meeting: Your last questions answered
The UN High-level Meeting on Global Road Safety (HLM) is now just days away! Thank you to all our partners for your efforts to raise it to the attention of your President/Prime Minister and Ministers, and share your national success. Partner efforts are helping to...
UNRSC Statement on the High-Level Meeting
27 members of the UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC), including iRAP, have made a joint statement regarding the High-level Meeting on Global Road Safety to be held 30 June–1 July 2022. Read the Statement in PDF Format We, the undersigned members of the United...
President of UN General Assembly recognises iRAP’s critical Decade role
UN General Assembly President, Abdulla Shahid, has recognised iRAP’s critical role in the Decade of Action to 2030, outlined in a letter sent to the charity following the Supporting Event for the High-level Meeting on Road Safety in December 2021. “The...
Statement of Concern for the High-level Meeting Declaration Negotiations
iRAP stands with the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety and road safety community in calling for peace and for Russia to step aside from the UN High-level Meeting on Road Safety to occur from 30 June to 1 July in New York. The crucial work of eradicating road...
Calling all countries with 3 month count down: Spotlight on UN High-level Meeting and call to implement Global Plan
On 30 June and 1 July, leaders from across the globe will gather at the United Nations in New York for the first ever High-level Meeting on Road Safety. iRAP is calling on every country to actively participate, share success and commit to implement the Global Plan for...
iRAP CEO presents on the role of civil society and youth at the UN High-Level meeting on Road Safety supporting event in New York
On 3 December, UN Member States and parliamentarians gathered in New York to discuss the critical domestic and international financing needs of the 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety and how government and NGOs can ensure it is a decade of delivery and results. ...
UN Secretary General’s Report features iRAP partnerships
The latest UN Secretary-General’s Report on Improving Global Road Safety features the work of iRAP partners in more than 104 countries and references how the Star Rating Methodology and tools are supporting global stakeholders in the Second Decade of Action for Road...
Join the Launch: New Global Plan for Decade of Action
We love the new Global Plan! If you missed the Launch of the Global Plan for the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety on Thursday 28 October it’s not too late to hear how safer road infrastructure will help to halve global road deaths and injuries by 2030....
How safe roads feature in Global Plan for Decade of Action
Safe road infrastructure is a key focus of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 alongside safe road use, safe vehicles, multimodal transport and land-use planning, and post-crash response. iRAP is ready to support partners and governments...
Event Summary: 2nd UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference and Side Event
iRAP was proud to participate in the Second UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference last week with UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) members, the International Road Federation (IRF) and iRAP hosting a side event and iRAP CEO Rob McInerney presenting alongside...