Webinar Gratuito: BrazilRAP, desafios e oportunidades: lições aprendidas após 1 ano do lançamento no Brasil Reserve esta data:das 10 às 12:00, do dia 16 de dezembro de 2020. O programa BrazilRAP visa abordar vias de alto risco em todo o país em parceria com agências...
Latest News
AIIB First Project in Lao to Improve Star Rating of NH-13
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is investing USD$40 million to improve a critical section of National Road 13 in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), with an expected direct benefit to over half a million people. AIIB’s first approved...
iRAP support of GRSF in BIGRS Phase 3 kicks off
iRAP is supporting the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) in Phase 3 of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS). Phase 3, which runs from 2020 to 2025 builds on success and impact of the RS10 phase (2010 – 2014) and the BIGRS...
Rodovias & Vias Magazine promotes BrazilRAP success – “iRAP, the Brazilian Stars”
Issue 124 of Brazil’s main infrastructure publication Rodovias & Vias has promoted BrazilRAP's success in 2020. Download a copy of the issue here (in Portuguese) and see the article on pages 94-97, or download the iRAP section in English here English translation:...
26,000km of Sao Paulo’s State Highways to be assessed
Tenders have recently been called by the Secretaria de Logistica e Transportes, Government of São Paulo to assess the safety of 26,000km of State Highways as part of a programme funded by the International Bank for Reconstruction, Action and Development (IBRD)....
IndiaRAP News: First NHAI Assessment Underway Across 3 States
Pictured above and right: NHAI PIU office team prepare to commence the survey IndiaRAP’s first NHAI project Star Rating 2,400 carriageway km of national highways across 3 states is underway in a bid to address escalating road deaths and injuries in recent years. The...
AusRAP News: RACQ analysis finds most of Brisbane’s busiest cycling routes are dangerous
AusRAP has supported a Star Rating assessment of some of Brisbane's busiest cycling routes conducted by ARRB for Queensland's mobility club RACQ to understand the risk faced by cyclists and inform improvements to increase road safety. RACQ research into popular...
EuroRAP Project SABRINA takes the world on virtual cycling tour through 9 Danube countries
As part of an October conference on Improving Road Safety in the Danube Area for all Road Users, Project SABRINA took conference delegates (now shared with the world) on a virtual cycling tour of nine European countries - Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Czech Republic,...
Training and Accreditation November 2020 newsletter now available
In this last 2020 edition of the iRAP Training and Accreditation e-newsletter you will see: Upcoming webinar series in Spanish: World Bank and iRAP helping save lives in Latin America – BIGRS 2020-25 New Establishing and Developing an iRAP Programme in your country...
Crash and iRAP Star Rating data now linked in DRIVER
Road crash data, iRAP Star Ratings and recommended countermeasures to improve infrastructure safety can now be simultaneously explored on relevant road networks thanks to a World Bank DRIVER enhancement project. The Data for Road Incident Visualization, Evaluation,...