Calls for G7 to urgently mobilise investment for net zero
LONDON – The Impact Taskforce (ITF), an independent, industry-led taskforce supported by the G7 Presidency, has called on the G7 to take urgent action to mobilise more institutional capital for a just and inclusive transition to net zero. The recommendations were...
UN Secretary General’s Report features iRAP partnerships
The latest UN Secretary-General’s Report on Improving Global Road Safety features the work of iRAP partners in more than 104 countries and references how the Star Rating Methodology and tools are supporting global stakeholders in the Second Decade of Action for Road...
A strategy to make roads safer: 3 steps for assessing and enabling road safety in transit oriented development
Reproduced from World Bank Blogs.Article by Gerald Ollivier, Prerna Mehta, Abhishek Behera and Alina Burlacu This blog is part of “Let’s talk about Streets for Life” – a blog series on Transit-Oriented Development and Road Safety. Previously in its blog series,...
Congratulations NRSPP Australia and Safer Roads Fund UK: 2021 Prince Michael Award Winners
LONDON – Congratulations to all 2021 winners of the Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards including EuroRAP partners Safer Roads Fund UK and AusRAP partners National Road Safety Partnership Program Australia. Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards...
Thailand’s DRR wins IRF Global Achievement Award for 2nd year running
Thailand’s Department of Rural Roads (DRR) has been awarded, for the second year running, the International Road Federation (IRF) Global Achievement Award in the Safety Category for its Integrated Road Safety Management System. DRR’s iRAP-endorsed Road Safety Audit...
World Day of Remembrance – Zipping vehicles wreck human lives! Today, time to mull over it
Image caption: (L-R) Teertha (11) and Dikshant (21) died in crashes; Rahil (38) is in a wheelchair Reproduced from Times of India. Story by Nitasha Natu. MUMBAI: Teertha Patel would have turned 12 this month. The days in the run up to her birthday were always spent...
How road authorities use high-quality map data to make roads safer for everyone
Reproduced from TomTom blog. Story by Bart Volckaert. Road crashes take a huge toll on individuals, their families, and nations, claiming the lives of more than 3,000 people each day and costing 3% of global GDP on average. By identifying and prioritizing...
Star Rating for Schools Results in Vietnam showcased
AIP Foundation, AA Vietnam and iRAP co-hosted the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) with Hands-on Examples of Vietnam Webinar on 11 November with the support of the FIA and FIA Foundation. The webinar brought together over 60 SR4S technical experts, Region II FIA clubs...
National RAP Leads Gather for Coffee and Connect
Almost 50 leads of national road assessment programmes in 26 countries gathered today for Coffee and Connect, a biannual event which provides the opportunity for programmes to learn from best practice and innovation, and collaborate for success. The session included...
Nova Dutra concession auctions with iRAP safety metric
One of the most important highways in Brazil, the Nova Dutra Concession linking Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, has successfully auctioned with an iRAP safety metric and investments of $2.73 billion to modernize and improve the safety of the road. The Public-Private...
NGOs handover Global Decade Plan with commitment call
Uruguay: Unidad Nacional de Seguridad Vial (UNASEV) receiving the Global Plan from iRAP Star Rating for Schools’ Lead Partner Fundación Gonzalo Rodríguez Road safety NGOs in more than 20 countries, supported by local RAPs and YOURS, have met with national...
iRAP releases Plan for 2nd Decade of Action
iRAP has released its Plan for the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety to save 2,000,000+ people from death or injury, make 200,000+km of roads safer and influence USD$200 billion of road infrastructure investment to save lives in the next 10 years. With the theme...
AusRAP News: New direction under Austroads
An AusRAP National Webinar on 23 November will mark the transition of leadership of the Australian Road Assessment Programme from the Australian Automobile Association (AAA) to Austroads, celebrating 20 years of success and sharing new opportunities for direction and...
Join the Launch: New Global Plan for Decade of Action
We love the new Global Plan! If you missed the Launch of the Global Plan for the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety on Thursday 28 October it’s not too late to hear how safer road infrastructure will help to halve global road deaths and injuries by 2030....
How safe roads feature in Global Plan for Decade of Action
Safe road infrastructure is a key focus of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 alongside safe road use, safe vehicles, multimodal transport and land-use planning, and post-crash response. iRAP is ready to support partners and governments...
First Annual Road Safety Conference, University of Nairobi
The First Annual Road Safety Conference hosted by the University of Nairobi on 14-15 October focussed on Providing Safer Streets for all Road Users and the iRAP methodology and importance of youth initiatives were presented by AfricaRAP Lead Racheal Nganwa and iRAP...
iRAP announced as road safety approach for Russia
Text credit: Minina Irina and images https://rosavtodor.gov.ru/ Today, the Russian Federal Road Agency announced the commencing implementation of iRAP as the road safety approach for the country. The announcement was made at a meeting under the leadership of the head...
Monica Olyslagers presents AiRAP at IRF Annual Meeting
iRAP Global Innovation Manager Monica Olyslagers will present AiRAP at the IRF Annual Meeting on 21 October in a session on “Unleashing the Potential of Digitalisation in the Road Sector”. Registration is free for the International Road Federation...
Event Summary: 2nd UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference and Side Event
iRAP was proud to participate in the Second UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference last week with UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) members, the International Road Federation (IRF) and iRAP hosting a side event and iRAP CEO Rob McInerney presenting alongside...
Event Summary: 2021 Innovation Workshop
Summary The 2021 iRAP Innovation Workshop was held on 7 and 14 October 2021 and attracted 1,314 registrations from 124 countries. It was co-hosted by iRAP and the Regional Road Safety Observatories in Africa (ARSO), Asia-Pacific (APRSO), Ibero-America (OISEVI), Europe...
Safety at heart of urban road concession design, Chile
Come with us on a virtual journey through the tunnels, overpasses and multi-lane carriageways beneath and across Santiago to see how engineering safety at the design stage can save lives, money and time. Designs for the Américo Vespucio Oriente I (AVO I) concession in...
Building Capacity in Tanzania
Over 200 nominated road safety stakeholders from Tanzania received specialist road safety training on 22-23 September as part of the Ten Step Plan project currently underway in the country. This was the first of a three courses training programme that will explore...
Using fleets to map the safety of our streets
Using fleets to map the safety of our streets was the focus of an innovative session joined by iRAP CEO Rob McInerney recently at the Together for Safer Roads (TSR) Annual Meeting in the USA. On 14 September, Rob presented in the session alongside leading fleet...