EuroRAP Project SABRINA takes the world on virtual cycling tour through 9 Danube countries
As part of an October conference on Improving Road Safety in the Danube Area for all Road Users, Project SABRINA took conference delegates (now shared with the world) on a virtual cycling tour of nine European countries – Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Czech...
Training and Accreditation November 2020 newsletter now available
In this last 2020 edition of the iRAP Training and Accreditation e-newsletter you will see: Upcoming webinar series in Spanish: World Bank and iRAP helping save lives in Latin America – BIGRS 2020-25 New Establishing and Developing an iRAP Programme in your country...
Crash and iRAP Star Rating data now linked in DRIVER
Road crash data, iRAP Star Ratings and recommended countermeasures to improve infrastructure safety can now be simultaneously explored on relevant road networks thanks to a World Bank DRIVER enhancement project. The Data for Road Incident Visualization, Evaluation,...
Safety of Uruguay Pulp Mill access road assessed
The safety of a 10km access road travelled by United Paper Mills (UPM) workers in Uruguay will be assessed for safety as part of an iRAP Strategic Project in association with the Automobile Club of Uruguay (ACU). UPM is planning the construction of a plant nursery, in...
Malaysian Highway Authority sets KPI for iRAP and improvements on five highways a year
Photo by Satyam Gupta, Pexels The Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA), in addition to conventional safety assessments, now requires all concession companies to undertake improvements based on iRAP recommendations, with a KPI target for 5 highways per year to initiate...
10 Multilaterial Development Banks unite to increase commitment to road safety
In a joint statement, 10 of the world’s largest MDBs commit to an ambitious and integrated approach to road safety. The MDBs also welcome the global call for ambitious road safety action, international cooperation and multilateralism to achieve the UN...
NEW webinar series: World Bank and iRAP helping save lives in Latin America – BIGRS 2020-25
Invitation to attend the webinar series: World Bank and iRAP helping save lives in Latin America – BIGRS 2020-25 DATES: 02, 03, 09 & 10 December TIME: 9.00 AM (UTC -5)Free of charge Please note this webinar will be delivered in Spanish Speakers...
Serie de seminários web: Banco Mundial e IRAP ayudando a salvar vidas en América Latina – BIGRS 2020-25
Serie de seminarios web: Banco Mundial e IRAP ayudando a salvar vidas en América Latina – BIGRS 2020-25 Descripción: El Fondo Mundial de Seguridad Vial (GRSF) del Banco Mundial se asocia con iRAP para mejorar la seguridad vial en el marco de la Iniciativa de...
Can your AI skills help iRAP prevent road death and injury?
Join the iRAP and Omdena Challenge preventing road crashes and saving lives Preventing Road Crashes and Saving Lives AI-based solutions to map crash risk and generate iRAP star rating attribute data will be the focus of a great new partnership as part of the Omdena...
Coffee and Connect brings RAP Leads together to save lives
57 Road Assessment Programme Leads from 34 countries joined iRAP’s first Coffee and Connect session today to share experiences and resources, and foster partnerships and friendships for success. Attendees heard from world-leading RAPs BrazilRAP, IndiaRAP and EuroRAP...
IndiaRAP News: Improved Ahmedabad Airport corridor design shows potential to save lives
Improved designs for the corridor connecting Gandhinagar, the Gujarat state capital, with Ahmedabad airport shows fatalities and serious injuries (FSIs) would reduce by up to 59 per cent over 20 years with upgrade, highlighting the life-saving value of safety analysis...
FedEx sponsored IndiaRAP to help save lives featured in CSR News
The Indian Road Assessment Programme sponsored by FedEx featured in the CSR News (March 2020). The India based local programme is locally led and globally supported by iRAP. It is a collaboration between iRAP and the Asian Institute of Transport Development (AITD)....
EuroRAP Webinar on Roads that Cars Can Read – Results from the SLAIN project
The EuroRAP webinar will be held online on 10th December 2020 between 9:00 and 12:00 CET. It will take place in the framework of the SLAIN project. REGISTER HERE Full Agenda for...
Latest WrapUp newsletter now available – October 2020 Edition
Welcome to iRAP’s October Newsletter. In this issue we are delighted to showcase: Are you developing your next Road Safety Action Plan? New iRAP Star Ratings of NACTO-GDCI Global Street Design Guide resource available 5-Star Connections to save lives in India and...
EuroRAP’s Lina Konstantinopoulou to moderate the session on “Safe Roads to Save Lives” at IRF On-Line Conference
IRF On-Line Conference Roads to Recovery: a Sustainable Mobility for a Sustainable Future The conference is open to everyone and registration is for free. Register Here 12 November 2020, 09:30-12:30 CET (UTC+1) Join our three-hour on-line conference on 12th November...
SR4S newsletter now available – October 2020 edition
The latest Star Rating for Schools newsletter is out now – read some great stories of how SR4S Lead Partners are engaging partners and leading safer infrastructures around the world. This edition features: 2nd Decade of Action opportunities School assessment in...
Welcome to the new EuroRAP expert members: VIAS, CERTH, CDV, University of Rome, Politechnica University of Bucharest
Welcome aboard! The Admission committee and EuroRAP Board have approved the application of 5 new organisations to join the EuroRAP membership. About the new members VIAS, BelgiumVias Institute builds on 30 years of experience in road safety to excel in mobility...
World Day of Remembrance 2020: Remember – Support – ACT for 3-star or better roads
Sunday 15 November 2020 marks 25 years of global observance and 15 years since the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims was recognised by the UN. iRAP is proud to support #WDoR2020. The objectives of WDoR 2020 are to provide a platform for road traffic...
Mexico’s Puebla High Bypass undergoes MXN $1 million upgrade following iRAP assessment
In 2019, the concessionary Libramiento Elevado de Puebla S.A. de C.V. contracted the company SEMIC (an iRAP accredited supplier) to carry out a road safety assessment using iRAP methodology on the Puebla High Bypass. Due to the importance of this stretch of road in...
Technical update: ViDA dataset edit page
An update of the dataset edit page is now live. This update will see a few small changes to the way the page looks and works, but under the surface there have been significant improvements.The key benefits of these improvements will mean that the page has better...
EuroRAP RADAR and SABRINA Joint Conference Brings Focus to the Challenges and Opportunities of Improving Road Safety in Danube Area for all Road Users
On October 15, more than 250 road safety experts and representatives of transport and road infrastructure safety in the Danube area from 40 countries registered for the Joint Online Conference of the SABRINA and RADAR Projects on ‘Improving Road Safety in Danube...
Great resource available: EuroRAP position and discussion papers
Technical expertise and advisory input comes from the advisory committees of EuroRAP. These committees are made up and chaired by experts from the member associations and co-ordinated by the EuroRAP staff. Currently there are two National Schemes Advisory...
NEW Training Opportunity – iRAP Road Attribute Coding Exercises
Road attribute coding is at the heart of an iRAP project. The road attribute coding uses geo-referenced images collected during a survey or road designs to record road attributes for each 100m segment of road. This coding data is then combined with other supporting...