iRAP Training & Accreditation Metrics 2020
2020 was a very challenging year for all of us, and, whilst iRAP stopped delivering on-site training, we were able to adapt all our courses to an online platform effectively. As a result, we currently have 21 online courses across several languages including:...
New e-learning platform coming in 2021
We are moving! iRAP is currently in the process of moving all of our courses to Moodle, a new online Learning Management System in order to improve everyone’s experience and learning outcomes. iRAP has 21 online courses available to be taken at your own pace. In...
NEW Training & Accreditation Newsletter – What’s new for 2021?
Welcome to our first Training and Accreditation newsletter edition for 2021! Firstly we want to thank everyone that participated in our online training last year. 2020 was a year like no other, COVID-19 has changed our lives but we have managed to stay connected...
New IndiaRAP newsletter – Road Safety Month and Beyond
Road Safety Month from 18 January to 17 February has brought national attention to efforts to halve road death and injury by 2030 in the New Decade of Action for Road Safety. As the Month draws to a close, we’re delighted to share with you the achievements of IndiaRAP...
IndiaRAP News: Supporting National Road Safety Month
National Road Safety Month in India, from 18 January to 17 February, has brought national attention to efforts to halve road death and injury by 2030 in the New Decade of Action for Road Safety. IndiaRAP has supported the Month with a social media campaign and a range...
Join the EC CEF SLAIN Project Final Event – March 2021
The SLAIN Final event is an opportunity to European Policy makers, Mobility clubs, Public Authorities, Industry and Experts to find out how EC CEF SLAIN project supports the requirements of the RISM (Road Infrastructure Safety Management) Directive 2019/1936,...
iRAP CEO to participate in the 83rd ITC – Side event: Roundtable on Road Safety
The Inland Transport Committee (ITC) Road safety at a crossroads at the dawn of the new Decade of Action’ Roundtable event will be held on Friday 26 February 2021. The ITC Roundtable will bring together key stakeholders for a strategic discussion on the new course of...
EuroRAP partners with ARRB to provide a roadmap to ensure physical infrastructure can meet the needs of AV’s
EuroRAP AISBL is partnering with ARRB – Australian Road Research Board on a exciting new Austroads project to provide an investment roadmap to ensure the physical infrastructure can meet the needs of automated vehicles. The Austroads project ‘Minimum physical...
Technical update: New ViDA features
We are constantly working to improve the iRAP tool suite and, based on the feedback we have received, we are pleased to announce two new features that have been added to ViDA. ViDA users can now invite new people and share data with them. Have you ever wanted to share...
Help us improve the Road Safety Toolkit
The Road Safety Toolkit (http://www.toolkit.irap.org/) provides free information on the causes and prevention of road crashes that cause death and injury. As we move into the 2030-Decade of Action for Road Safety, we are reviewing the Toolkit and welcome your feedback...
Expressions of Interest in projects funded by the World Bank
The World Bank has recently announced 3 expression of interests relating to road safety engineering and iRAP work. Click on the links below for more information or visit the World Bank Group eConsultant2 system iRAP analysis and reporting for 4,000km in the...
Europe News: SLAIN Newsletter January 2021
To read more, click here.
Europe News: Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas”, Greece delivers hazard maps of the road network to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport on 25 January
The original Press Release related to this event is available here (© 2021 I.O.AS. All rights reserved) . Presentation of proposals for Road Safety and delivery of risk maps of the Trans-European Road Network of the country was made at the Ministry of Infrastructure...
IndiaRAP News: Star Rating and Prioritisation of Blackspots paper published
IndiaRAP and partners’ – Shawon Aziz and Professor P K Sarkar – paper “Rating and Prioritization of Accident Blackspots and Road Safety Measures. Case Study: National Highway-44, India” has been published in a book Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering. The study...
IndiaRAP News: Child-friendly streets for Coimbatore City
AITD-IndiaRAP is helping to create child-friendly streets and improve non-motorised transport infrastructure in Coimbatore City, Tamil Nadu. Twenty-nine pedestrian hotspots and 295km of cycling routes across Coimbatore are being targeted for safe access to walking and...
IndiaRAP News: West Bengal project targets five killer highways
IIT Kharagpur, supported by IndiaRAP, has assessed 1,400kms of five West Bengal highways in India where crash severity in 2018 was 1.7 times the all-India average. A total of 10,042 road crashes were reported in West Bengal in 2018. Crash severity was 53.9% as...
Position available – Project coordinator (6 month part time contract)
Position available: Project coordinator Six-month part-time contract with possibility of extension (3.7 person months FTE equivalent)In 2021, the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) has a number of global innovation projects in the area of road safety. iRAP...
EuroRAP announces the official launch of 20 National Programmes
Brussels, 21 January 2021 – EuroRAP announces the official launch of 20 National Programmes, a major milestone in the ongoing cooperation between Civil Society, Mobility clubs, Universities/Research institutes and National Road Authorities to support the...
Brazil 55,000km assessment underway
Photo Caption: Strata Engenharia survey vehicle – just one of the suppliers involved in the national assessment Brazil’s National Department of Transport Infrastructure, DNIT, is progressing well in its survey of 55,000km of national roads – the entire...
IndiaRAP News: Dr Subhamay Gangopadhyay appointed as new IRF India Chapter President
IndiaRAP Programme Manager Dr Subhamay Gangopadhyay has been appointed as new IRF India Chapter President. Dr Gangopadhyay who assumed the Chairmanship on 19th October 2020 said in his investiture speech, “I look forward to contributing to the activities of IRF IC in...
Europe News: Join #10toGO, brought to you by Volkswagen AG Group and Microsoft, a kick-starting platform for sustainable, data-driven innovation.
10 more years to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Group Development Group Development Goals EuroRAP AISBL is very pleased to team up with #10toGO, brought to you by Volkswagen AG Group and Microsoft, a kick-starting platform for sustainable,...
The Year That Was … 2020!
Congratulations to all our partners in 102 countries for their life-saving work during 2020. Together we are making a difference every day, getting more people home safely to their families. There were too many good news stories to mention them all, but our 2020...
BrazilRAP 1 Year On Workshop Highlights National Gains
Event Summary The BrazilRAP One Year On Workshop held on 16 December drew 157 stakeholders and highlighted significant progress and high level commitment to eliminating high-risk roads across the country. The webinar, attended by government agencies, development banks...