Our major donor the FIA Foundation has recently released their 2022 Annual Report which once again highlights some of the significant achievements of iRAP and our partners, including as part of the Star Rating for Schools Programme.
The report captures the Foundation’s charitable activities from September 2021 – 2022, including participating in the first UN High Level Meeting on Road Safety; expanding its TRUE emissions campaign to new cities, including New York; supporting refugees and emergency response to the war in Ukraine; advancing advocacy for the global youth agenda; and playing a key role in the safety of top level motor sport.
Highlights featured on the iRAP Global Programme include:
- Programme summary (Page 41-3):

- Executive Director Saul Billingsley’s recommendation of iRAP at the first-ever UN High Level Meeting on Road Safety held in June in New York. He urged governments to ‘stop talking and start funding’ the
proven interventions needed to meet the 2030 target to halve road traffic deaths and injuries. He highlighted the work of iRAP, Global NCAP and other evidence-based programmes and called on rich donor nations to show solidarity with the middle- and low-income countries bearing the brunt of road traffic injuries (Page 14). - The Pan-African Walking and Cycling Report informed by iRAP data on the standards of roads used by pedestrians and cyclists and their experiences. Almost all assessed roads (95%) have been rated as inadequate for both pedestrians and cyclists by iRAP making Africa the world’s most dangerous continent for walking and cycling (Page 32).
- The FIA Foundation’s co-funding of a survey of motorcyclists on one of Vietnam’s main highways to help the World Bank improve its infrastructure safety provision. The survey is supplementing ongoing work by the Global Road Safety Facility and iRAP to develop technical guidance and undertake safety assessments, both with a view to support safer infrastructure development, initially around the N19 Highway (Page 36).
Highlights featured on the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) Programme included:
- Programme summary: 214 new schools in 12 new countries assessed in last 12 months (running total now includes Vietnam with 99 schools, India – 82, Philippines – 83 and USA – 82). 217 locations are now safer including 171 where post-construction star ratings have been produced. The average Star Rating improved from 2.5 before intervention to 4.7 post intervention (Page 40).
- In the article ‘FIA President sees star rating success in Colombia’ (Page 9-10) – it describes how the project used the iRAP Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) methodology to assess and make recommendations to improve the safety
infrastructure of the school and was used to showcase to other clubs how to undertake similar activities. - Mention of the use of the evidence-based systems for data collection including the SR4S app in the article ‘Moldova and Vietnam score early results for 30km/h push’ (Page 25-26).
The work of iRAP and its partners across the world would not be possible without the generous support of the FIA Foundation.
We express our heartfelt appreciation and continue to congratulate FIA Foundation on 20 years of dedicated and outstanding public service that has helped to facilitate safer journeys in safer cars, saving lives across the world.
Read the Foundation’s 2022 Annual Review here.