AiRAP showcased at iRASTE NXT India
IndiaRAP Technical Manager Jigesh Bhavsar shared the life-saving potential of AiRAP at the iRASTE NXT Conference last week. The event is India’s premier technology-for-road-safety conference demonstrating the proven effectiveness of AI-based systems. Launched in 2021,...
FedEx Cares 50 by 50 – We did it!
Since 2019, FedEx Cares has been on a journey to directly and positively impact 50 million people by their 50th birthday on April 17, 2023. iRAP is proud to have contributed to FedEx reaching this incredible milestone and so grateful for their sponsorship support of...
IndiaRAP news: GeoVista engaged for safer northern highways in Karnataka
GeoVista Technologies, along with Lea Associates South Asia in JV with Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), have been awarded the contract to provide iRAP consultancy services for the Road Safety Audit and Design of North and North East Zone Roads as part of the...
India’s Minister of Road Transport and Highways Shri Nitin Gadkari visits Australia to promote transport partnerships
CEO Rob McInerney was delighted to share iRAP and IndiaRAP success and the life-saving potential of safer road infrastructure investment with India’s Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways Shri Nitin Gadkari in Sydney last week. The discussions occurred at an...
India’s National Dialogue on Road Safety for Children
IndiaRAP Technical Manager Jigesh Bhavsar presented at a National Dialogue on Road Safety for Children Workshop in Delhi today, marking the occasion of National Engineers Day in the country. The one-day workshop drew leading road safety stakeholders committed to...
$1 billion to Improve India’s Road Safety
Image source: iRAP The World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB) have each announced USD$250 million in funding to support India’s Program for Strengthening Road Safety, an investment to be matched by the Government of India for a sum $1 billion investment in road...
IndiaRAP launches Learning Centre
IndiaRAP proudly launched an innovative new Learning Centre yesterday to support engineers, researchers and students undertaking academic road safety studies using the iRAP Methodology. Almost 60 people joined the Launch highlighting significant interest in the...
450km assessment in Maharashtra, India
iRAP Accredited Supplier FRED Engineering has commenced a new iRAP project supported by the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) and funded under the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS). to assess 450km of roads in Maharashtra,...
IndiaRAP participates in National Road Safety Month celebrated by NSS IIT Roorkee
Dr Subhamay Gangopadhyay, Programme Manager of IndiaRAP spoke to students and faculties as Guest of Honour in the opening ceremony of National Road Safety Month 2022 being celebrated by NSS IIT Roorkee. He shared the dais with IIT Roorkee Director Prof Ajit Kumar...
World Day of Remembrance – Zipping vehicles wreck human lives! Today, time to mull over it
Image caption: (L-R) Teertha (11) and Dikshant (21) died in crashes; Rahil (38) is in a wheelchair Reproduced from Times of India. Story by Nitasha Natu. MUMBAI: Teertha Patel would have turned 12 this month. The days in the run up to her birthday were always spent...
Event explores investment and private sector partnerships potential in India
On 9 August, iRAP CEO Rob McInerney presented alongside India’s Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari and other eminent experts on road safety investments and private sector partnerships that do well and do good in India. The event was hosted by...
IndiaRAP News: NHAI Workshops across India to review results and improve NH safety in 3 States
Workshops across India have drawn 100 engineers and decision-makers to discuss assessment results of national highways assessed in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. IndiaRAP’s first National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) project Star Rating 2,400 km of national...
HOWZAT! A win for England cricketing legends and safer roads awareness
Cricket lovers will be thrilled to hear that iRAP and the Road Safety Foundation UK (RSF) are road safety partners of the 2021 Road Safety World Series to bring awareness to the importance of eliminating high-risk roads to save lives. The partnership sees the iRAP and...
IndiaRAP News: Supporting National Road Safety Month
National Road Safety Month in India, from 18 January to 17 February, has brought national attention to efforts to halve road death and injury by 2030 in the New Decade of Action for Road Safety. IndiaRAP has supported the Month with a social media campaign and a range...
IndiaRAP News: Star Rating and Prioritisation of Blackspots paper published
IndiaRAP and partners’ – Shawon Aziz and Professor P K Sarkar – paper “Rating and Prioritization of Accident Blackspots and Road Safety Measures. Case Study: National Highway-44, India” has been published in a book Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering. The study...
IndiaRAP News: Child-friendly streets for Coimbatore City
AITD-IndiaRAP is helping to create child-friendly streets and improve non-motorised transport infrastructure in Coimbatore City, Tamil Nadu. Twenty-nine pedestrian hotspots and 295km of cycling routes across Coimbatore are being targeted for safe access to walking and...
IndiaRAP News: West Bengal project targets five killer highways
IIT Kharagpur, supported by IndiaRAP, has assessed 1,400kms of five West Bengal highways in India where crash severity in 2018 was 1.7 times the all-India average. A total of 10,042 road crashes were reported in West Bengal in 2018. Crash severity was 53.9% as...
IndiaRAP News: Dr Subhamay Gangopadhyay appointed as new IRF India Chapter President
IndiaRAP Programme Manager Dr Subhamay Gangopadhyay has been appointed as new IRF India Chapter President. Dr Gangopadhyay who assumed the Chairmanship on 19th October 2020 said in his investiture speech, “I look forward to contributing to the activities of IRF IC in...
IndiaRAP News: Improved Ahmedabad Airport corridor design shows potential to save lives
Improved designs for the corridor connecting Gandhinagar, the Gujarat state capital, with Ahmedabad airport shows fatalities and serious injuries (FSIs) would reduce by up to 59 per cent over 20 years with upgrade, highlighting the life-saving value of safety analysis...
5-Star Global Connections to save lives in India and beyond
iRAP is proud to announce a novel 5-Star Global Connections Initiative, sponsored by FedEx Express, to unlock the power of partnerships across India and share success across the more than 100 countries who have their own RAP programme and project activity. iRAP is...
AusRAP and IndiaRAP twinning success profiled by countries’ top ministers
The success of AusRAP and IndiaRAP twinning activities and future collaborative opportunities to eliminate high-risk roads in both countries were profiled at an Australian and Indian Government infrastructure and road safety investment webinar yesterday. The webinar...
BIGRS IndiaRAP online series – World Bank and iRAP help to save lives on Indian Roads
During this difficult time with COVID19, it is important that we remain connected, sharing knowledge across the world and work together to ensure we can continue to save lives on our roads. Online learning is an excellent way to build on knowledge and skills. With...
World Bank and Government Success Across India
Image: Before and after improvement, Mehsana-Himmatnagar State Highway-55, Gujarat, funded by World Bank GRSF. India’s ability to achieve rapid, sustained development will be central to the world’s collective ambition of achieving the UN Sustainable...