#AusRAP News: Australian Federal Government Announcement – Bolstering access to national road safety data
Image Credit: Australian Automobile Association The Hon Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local opened the Roads Australia Transforming Transportation event today, announcing a significant investment in road...
‘Mobilizing for Impact: Alliances to achieve the UN global road safety goals’ in Washington, D.C
Pictured Above (L-R): Rob McInerney, CEO iRAP; Aimee Gauthier, Chief Knowledge Officer ITDP; Atsani Ariobowo, Director of Child and Youth Health FIA Foundation; Tom Bishop, Program Director AMEND; Nancy Pullen-Seufert, Director National Center for Safe Routes to...
Social KPIs Matter: Setting Robust Indicators for Sustainability-Linked Finance
iRAP has been recognised as a road safety indicator in a new International Finance Corporation-produced discussion paper “Social KPIs Matter: Setting Robust Indicators for Sustainability-Linked Finance”. The paper highlights current trends in the use of...
World Bank embeds 3-star safety in Tanzanian road financing
All World Bank-financed projects in Tanzania are required to achieve a minimum 3-star iRAP safety rating, announced by TANROADS yesterday at the African Regional Seminar on Road Safety in Mwanza. Eng. George Daffa from the Tanzania Roads Agency (TANROADS) presented on...
An open letter to Heads of State and Governments
Image credit and original post: Global Alliance of NGO’s for Road Safety The UN SDG Summit will take place at the UN Headquarters in New York on 18-19 September 2023. Read our open letter to world leaders below. Dear world leaders, We are writing to you today...
G20 leaders gather armed with appeal for safer roads investment to save lives
G20 leaders are on their way to the 18th Heads of State and Government Summit in India this week and iRAP advocacy has appealed for their commitment for results-based financing of 3-star or better road infrastructure to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals...
Achieving the SDGs for Road Safety in G20 Countries: T20 Policy Brief
iRAP and Towards Zero Foundation have been successful in the submission of a now-published T20 policy brief to support G20 leaders to achieve the SDGs for road safety in their countries. Think20 (T20) is an official engagement group of the G20 for research and policy...
Moroccan PIDG workshop promotes safety in projects
Safer Journeys Lead Nathalie Chiavassa was pleased to join the PIDG Institute in Casablanca last week to share how safety can be optimised in the Group’s road infrastructure projects delivered throughout sub-Saharan Africa and south and south-east Asia....
ITF Summit Panel Session Summary – Financing Equitable, Green, and Safe Transport
A panel session titled “Financing Equitable, Green, and Safe Transport” was held yesterday as part of the International Transport Forum Summit 2023 in Leipzig, Germany. The session aimed to discuss the critical role of infrastructure financing in improving...
AusRAP news: ITE-ANZ webinar shares iRAP Practical Investments Saving Lives
Inspirational life-saving success was shared yesterday by the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning, Main Roads Western Australia and iRAP at an Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE-ANZ) webinar on iRAP Practical Investments Saving Lives. Guest...
Nearly £50 million boost for safety on local A roads of England
The UK Government has announced a £47.5 million investment on 27 roads to prevent deaths and serious injuries on England’s local road network. This new investment, as part of the Department for Transport’s Safer Roads Fund, will see life-saving road safety engineering...
On the way to delivering safer roads in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka roads serve all road users in often confined environments posing a challenge to balance safety risks (Image credit: ARRB) The Government of Sri Lanka has shown its commitment towards delivering a safer road network through iRAP analysis of their highways and...
New Infrastructure Safety Insights Explorer launched
To support the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, iRAP has published a new Safety Insights Explorer. The Explorer shines a light on the true extent of road trauma, the safety of the world’s roads, and the positive impact that can be made with targeted...
AiRAP and fleet management potential explored at NETS
Fleet manager and insurance company interest in using Star Rating data to improve organisational health and safety was explored at this week’s NETS Conference in Miami. iRAP CEO Rob McInerney presented at the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) Annual...
Development of the Investment Case to Reduce Road Traffic Injuries among Adolescents
iRAP data has informed research conducted by the Australian Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Victoria University into the development of an investment case to reduce road traffic injuries among adolescents. Road traffic injuries are one of the leading...
Safe System Approach & new report in action at ITF Day @ OECD in Paris
iRAP was pleased to participate in today’s ITF Day @ OECD in Paris, presenting to OECD Ambassadors and staff on financing road safety investments. iRAP Global Technical Director James Bradford presented on the evidence base for results-based financing, Star Rating...
Join the Launch: Mobilising Financing for Road Safety in LMIC
The World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) invites you to the June 7 launch event for the Saving Lives Through Private Investment in Road Safety Report. The report, produced by the World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC), in partnership with iRAP...
ITE Journal: Vision Zero and Results-Based Financing of Safe System Action Worldwide
The May Issue of the Institute of Transport Engineers Journal includes an iRAP feature authored by CEO Rob McInerney on Vision Zero and Results-Based Financing of Safe System Action Worldwide. The United Nations will hold the first ever High-level Meeting on Global...
Catch us on Podcast: NETS Talk Now, Driving Change
iRAP is proud to feature on this month’s NETS Talk Now: Driving Change Podcast discussing the impact of road infrastructure safety for fleet and community safety worldwide. Guest presenter and iRAP CEO Rob McInerney said, “There is one thing everyone...
Saving Lives through private investment in road safety: New World Bank report
Achieving safer roads and road use is possible. A realignment of incentives across safety outcomes and commercial interests is needed to mobilise and target the estimated $260 billion investment gap needed to halve road deaths and injuries by 2030. Innovative private...
PiPa PPP investment assures 3-star or better safety for 2.8m people in Sao Paulo
Innovative Public-Private Partnership (PPP) investment in 3-star of better roads in Brazil was shared yesterday by the Global Infrastructure Hub, International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Agência Reguladora de Serviços Públicos Delegados de Transporte do Estado de...
Another Brazilian concession – North Rodoanel – includes iRAP as road safety metric
ARTESP, on the authority of The Government of São Paulo, has opened bidding for the resumption of works on the North Rodoanel 31-year concession including iRAP as the road safety metric. A R$3 billion (USD$550 million) investment is planned for the expansion,...
World Bank issues first road safety sustainable development bond
Reproduced from World Bank press release, Washington, 20 December The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD, Aaa/AAA) today issued a Georgian lari 31 million 2-year Sustainable Development Bond while engaging with investors on the...