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Star Rating Designs

Star Rating Designs

Apart from assessing existing roads, Star Ratings are being used to ensure that safety is built-in to designs for upgrades and new roads prior to construction.

By providing a means of objectively measuring the impact on risk of various design iterations, the Star Rating design process is helping harness the potential of designers to find creative solutions to challenging safety problems.

For governments and development banks, the process opens the opportunity to set performance-based targets for vehicle occupants, motorcyclists, pedestrians and bicyclists that not only improve safety but create a high level of transparency and accountability.

The Star Rating design process has been successfully used in countries such as Moldova and India, in conjunction with existing mechanisms such as Road Safety Audits and highway design standards.

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Performance Tracking

Governments and funding agencies can benefit from measuring and reporting on the road safety outcomes of their investments. 

Star Ratings and Risk Maps provide objective measures that can be used to track road safety performance and establish policy positions.

In the United Kingdom for example, EuroRAP Risk Maps have been used to demonstrate that the government achieved a significant reduction in high-risk primary route roads between 2002 and 2011. 

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Risk Maps

Risk Maps

In regions where detailed crash data is available, iRAP produces Risk Maps that represent the actual number of deaths and injuries on a road network. 

Risk Maps capture the combined risk arising from the interaction of road users, vehicles and the road environment. The maps provide an objective view of where people are dying and where their crash risk is greatest. This map is an example from the European Road Safety Atlas.

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Safety Inspections

Using specially equipped vehicles, software and trained personnel, iRAP inspections involve detailed road surveys and data collection, focusing on more than 50 different road attributes that are known to influence the likelihood of a crash and its severity.

These attributes include intersection design, number of lanes and markings, roadside hazards, footpaths and bicycle facilities. The road inspection data underpins iRAP Star Ratings and Safer Roads Investment Plans (SRIP).

This video provides an illustration of the type of data that is collected.

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Investment Plans

Investment Plans

iRAP considers more than 90 proven road improvement options to generate affordable and economically sound Safer Road Investment Plans (SRIP) that improve a road’s Star Ratings and will save lives.  

Here are three examples of countermeasures that have been identified for around 300km of roads in the Dominican Republic. Click on each countermeasure to view an interactive map of where they could be used and the number of deaths and serious injuries they could prevent.

Roadside safety barriers Delineation (signs, lines and lighting) Pedestrian crossings


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The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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