UN General Assembly Urges Speedier Action, Adopting Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety
The UN General Assembly today urged accelerated action to reduce deaths and injuries from traffic crashes worldwide by implementing the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021–2030. Acting without a vote, the 193-member organ adopted the resolution...
Celebrating 700,000 lives and serious injuries saved with partners in New York and Washington
iRAP CEO Rob McInerney had a full schedule catching up with iRAP partners in Washington and New York this month. Celebrating 700,000 lives and serious injuries saved was a heart-warming highlight, and a meeting with UNRSC partners provided an important touchpoint as...
Bloomberg Philanthropies awards Pleiku City and Bogota partners for excellence in road safety
We congratulate AIP Foundation and our Pleiku City partners in Vietnam, as well as the Secretariat of Mobility in Bogotá, as two of four inaugural winners of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards for Excellence in Road Safety, presented on 12 June in New York. The...
PHOEBE advances models and simulation for safer urban environments
The PHOEBE Project has reached a significant milestone with the completion of its deliverable report ‘New and Enhanced Models/Simulation Environments and User Support Materials (Beta ed.)‘. Development has highlighted vulnerable road users as the cornerstone of safe...
PHOEBE Brussels Meeting shares progress with EU Commission
The PHOEBE Consortium met in Brussels last week to advance project plans and update the European Commission during a two-day exchange of 11 sector-leading partners. The EU-funded ‘Predictive Approaches for Safer Urban Environment’ (PHOEBE) Project aims to increase the...
ELABORATOR powers on in Europe
ELABORATOR partners gather for Consortium Meeting in Copenhagan in June In recent weeks, the ELABORATOR Project has been very busy with its latest Consortium Meeting in Copenhagan, and presentations across Europe at Velo-city 2024, Eurocities Mobility Forum, 2nd...
First iRAP Assessment in Oman
iRAP Accredited Practitioner Factual Consulting has successfully delivered the results of the first-ever iRAP project in Oman for Petroleum Development Oman (PDO). PDO is the local leading energy company, delivering the majority of Oman’s crude oil production and...
MexiRAP launched to reduce high-risk highways
The Government of Mexico, through the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT) and the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) announced today the launch of MexiRAP to reduce high-risk highways in the country and reduce the 16,000 road...
Building capacity for safer roads in Estonia and Latvia
A one-day iRAP training course was conducted in Tallinn in May for Estonian and Latvian Road Authorities helping to build capacity in the countries, and Baltics region, for safer roads. The results of Estonia’s first Star Rating pilot project were shared, providing...
120 Years of FIA: Celebrating Partnerships for Safer Journeys
More than 150 FIA mobility clubs in 96 countries are partnering with iRAP to support their advocacy and action to create safer journeys for members supported by the iRAP Methodology and tools. As clubs gather in Uzbekistan this week for the 2024 Fédération...
Event Summary: ADB Transport Forum 2024. Achieving Sustainable, Resilient Transport.
iRAP was delighted to contribute to the Asia and the Pacific ADB Transport Forum from 14 – 15 May in Manila, focussed on transport as an enabler of development in the region and ways to address the threats from climate change. Transport plays a huge role in...
Peru’s 2030 Multisector Road Safety Strategy includes iRAP for safer journeys
Peru’s Multisector Road Safety Strategy 2023-2030 includes iRAP for the enhanced management of infrastructure safety, including for urban, highway and school environments. The Strategy of Peru’s Ministry of Transport and Communications includes to: Enhance current...
Philippines 2028 Strategy includes iRAP targets for safer roads
The Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways’ Strategy for 2028 includes iRAP targets for improving the safety of primary roads. The targets include: To increase the percentage of the national primary road length which achieves a 3-star or better...
BrazilRAP São Paulo launches: First state programme to eliminate high-risk roads
Governor Tarcisio de Freitas, iRAP Global Projects Director Julio Urzua, Secretary of Infrastructure State of São Paulo Natalia Resende, and Director DER-SP Sergio Codelo with signed RAP agreement The Government of São Paulo, through the DER (Department of Highways),...
Come see us this week at the Asia and the Pacific Transport Forum
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will host the 2024 Asia and the Pacific Transport Forum in Manila on 14-17 May, and iRAP’s Global Programme Director Greg Smith and IndiaRAP Technical Manager Jigesh Bhavsar will be on hand to share and support partner activity...
2023 Annual Report: Celebrating partners’ global impact
We are delighted to share our 2023 Annual Report highlighting Partner Impact across the world helping to eliminate high-risk roads. See the stories behind our journey including: Google.org’s USD$2 million grant for safer school journeys using AI. New partnerships with...
How many lives and serious injuries saved?: Join our webinar to hear JHU research unveiled
A peer-reviewed study led by world-leading researchers at Johns Hopkins University and published by a respected scientific journal has estimated the number of lives and serious injuries saved on roads made safer by iRAP partners worldwide. The study is the first...
Kenya Road Safety Action Plan 2024-2028 launched
Last week, the Ministry of Roads and Transport through the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) launched Kenya’s new National Road Safety Action Plan 2024-2028 with iRAP included as a metric for infrastructure safety. The official launch ceremony was graced...
Limpopo road safety projects kick off supported by Anglo American Foundation
Two significant road safety projects funded by Anglo American Foundation have kicked off in Limpopo Province, South Africa involving local capacity building and the assessment of 1,000km of roads and 20 high-risk schools to inform evidence-based safety improvements....
Road safety for all: How the PHOEBE project is enhancing traffic simulation to forecast infrastructure safety
Article and image credit: Marcel Sala, PhD Transportation Engineer, Aimsun Our PHOEBE Project partner Aimsun shares this update on project progress and how safety assessments are being addressed in Aimsun simulation solutions. More than 20,000 road fatalities...
SADC workshop promotes safer roads in 11 African countries
iRAP was delighted to participate in an important workshop of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety in February. The SADC Alliance of NGOs is a voluntary not-for-profit association which aims to establish a networking...
Save the date: Africa Regional Road Safety Seminar
We are delighted to be supporting the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) and the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS), in association with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), to announce the upcoming Africa Regional Road Safety Seminar from 8-9...
FISEVI 2024: Advancing Child Road Safety in Latin America
iRAP was delighted to join the Fifth International Child Road Safety Forum (FISEVI 2024) in El Salvador this week, organized by the Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation and the Government of El Salvador, with the participation of road safety authorities of Uruguay, Colombia,...