A peer-reviewed study led by world-leading researchers at Johns Hopkins University and published by a respected scientific journal has estimated the number of lives and serious injuries saved on roads made safer by iRAP partners worldwide.
The study is the first attempt to measure the impact of road projects financed by Governments, development banks, NGOs and private-sector road operators around the world that have made use of the iRAP methodology and tools made available freely thanks to the long-term donor support of the FIA Foundation and supporting donors including the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), FedEx, 3M, Prudence Foundation, Botnar Foundation and the Aleatica Foundation.
Join us to hear the research findings and life-saving stories behind the unveiled numbers:
Date: Thursday 9 May
Time: 3.00pm CET | 9.00am EST
- Etienne Krug, Director, Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organisation (WHO)
- A/Prof Abdul Bachani, Director, Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit
- Natalie Draisin, Director, North America Office and United Nations Representative, FIA Foundation; Advisor, Health and Safety Hub, International Transport Forum and World Health Organization
- Saul Billingsley, Executive Director, FIA Foundation
- Rob McInerney, CEO, iRAP
- James Bradford, Global Technical Director, iRAP
- John Dawson and Miquel Nadal, Founding Chairman and current Chairman, iRAP Board of Trustees
… and iRAP partners sharing life-saving case studies from all regions of the world.
Have you helped save a life?
All partners are encouraged to celebrate their life-saving contribution!
A Partner Toolkit of social media assets and an announcement release will be shared with partners by email following May 9.
This incredible achievement is the result of iRAP’s 30,000 partners working together across more than 125 countries with the shared vision for a world free of high-risk roads.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations and look forward to celebrating this wonderful outcome with you!
#iRAPsavinglives #saferroadssavinglives
For more information, please contact Judy Williams, Global Programme and Communications Manager on email judy.williams@irap.org