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ELABORATOR partners gather for Consortium Meeting in Copenhagan in June

In recent weeks, the ELABORATOR Project has been very busy with its latest Consortium Meeting in Copenhagan, and presentations across Europe at Velo-city 2024, Eurocities Mobility Forum, 2nd CIVITAS Forum, 9th ITS Hellas Conference, Intertraffic Amsterdam, and Autonomy Mobility World Expo – all with the important vision of designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate-neutral cities.

Copenhagen Consortium Meeting: 38 partners rally

The entire Project Consortium of 38 partners recently gathered in Københavns Kommune, Copenhagen for four days packed with insightful activities. From  collaborative workshops to kicking off new workstreams, the meeting was a great opportunity for partners to review progress and discuss challenges for the coming months ahead.

Image at left: Lund and Copenhagen meet
Lund is one of twelve ELABORATOR ‘Follower’ Cities working to design sustainable mobility in an inclusive and safe way. A pre-meeting in Copenhagen brought together experts in cycling, parking and traffic flow measurement from Lund Municipality, Sensative and Future by Lund. The two cities are being used as a test of how to best intertwine work in two cities to maximise the benefit of each other’s experiences. Read more on Lund’s participation here.

ELABORATOR Lighthouse City Milan shares their inclusive mobility pilot

During the Eurocities Mobility Forum, a workshop titled ‘Leaving no-one behind: safe, accessible and inclusive mobility’ brought together key stakeholders to share perspectives on the  necessary steps to transform cities and transport systems to become more accessible, affordable, safe and inclusive.

One of the ELABORATOR Lighthouse cities, Milan, was part of the workshop’s panel and shed light on their pilot within ELABORATOR, which focuses on the development of digital solutions to improve the accessibility of more vulnerable road users.

One of their pilot’s key activities is the construction of a decision support system (DSS) for the classification of public space characteristics and the assessment of architectural barriers. The system’s key aim is to have greater knowledge and awareness of the mobility needs of citizens, in particular for vulnerable road users.

Read more on this here, and listen to Andrea Canevazzi interviewed on the Milan Pilot below:

Showcasing ELABORATOR across Europe

Collaborating with the Project PHOEBE at the POLIS Network Stand, Velo-city 2024, 18-21 June

At Intertraffic Amsterdam, 16 April with two sessions diving deep into active mobility and road safety. Our partner POLIS joined a dynamic session titled ‘Making Way for Walking and Cycling‘, where key stakeholders championed the cause for more active modes of transport. Read more here.

At the I-SENSEGroup/ICCS booth, 9th ITS Hellas Conference Athens, 5 – 6 June. Read more here.

At the Autonomy Mobility World Expo in Paris, 20-21 March. During the session on ‘Safe Street Spaces: Ramping up Reallocation’, our Helsinki and Trikala Living Labs shared their ambitions to improve road safety and accessibility, highlighting the challenges linked to their contexts, such as extreme weather and modal share. Read more here.


ELABORATOR stands for ‘The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate neutral cities’. The project uses a holistic approach for planning, designing, implementing and deploying specific innovations and interventions towards safe, inclusive and sustainable urban mobility. These interventions consist of smart enforcement tools, space redesign and dynamic allocation, shared services, and integration of active and green modes of transportation. The interventions will be demonstrated in several cities across Europe, starting with six Lighthouse Cities consisting of: Milan (Italy); Copenhagen (Denmark); Helsinki (Finland); Issy-les-Moulineaux (France); Zaragoza ; (Spain); and Trikala (Greece). As well as six Follower Cities, consisting of: Lund (Sweden); Liberec (Czech Republic); Velenje (Slovenia); Split (Croatia); Krusevac (Serbia); and Ioannina (Greece).

The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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