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iRAP offers a range of training opportunities to build the knowledge and skills needed to establish a Road Assessment Program (RAP), plan and manage a project and perform an assessment.

Did you know more than 73,000 people have participated in training, workshops and presentations on iRAP content?


Types of training available:

Latest Training news from around the world….


iRAP MCC Partnership targets safer roads in Benin

Image credit: Event Photographer - MCA-Benin An iRAP Workshop supported by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), concluded recently in Cotonou, Benin. The workshop aimed to build local capacity within the Government of Benin and optimize road safety in the...

#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 10: Leveraging Technology and Youth Power for Safer Roads – Recording now available

Participants from 33 countries tuned in last week for the 10th #RAPKnowledgeLive session – Leveraging Technology and Youth Power for Safer Roads. In this session we had the privilege to be joined by representatives from Fondation Botnar, AIP Foundation and Youth for...

MCC partnership drives road safety in Malawi

Road infrastructure safety is being lifted in Malawi thanks to a ground-breaking $350 million Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact and five-day iRAP capacity building initiative completed last week with local partners. Malawi’s nearly 5,000 kilometres of...

SR4S Training: Now in 5 Languages!

The updated Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) online course, developed by iRAP with support from Millennium Challenge Corporation, is now available in a range of languages. This expansion provides crucial training opportunities for a wider audience interested in...

Introducing our 2-part Online Live Course: Assuring Quality in iRAP Projects

iRAP is offering a comprehensive two-part online course (2 x 1 hour live sessions) on Assuring Quality in iRAP Projects, equipping participants with the essential tools and insights to ensure the accuracy and reliability of road safety assessments. iRAP projects have...

#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 10: Leveraging Technology and Youth Power for Safer Roads

Join us for our #RAPKnowledgeLive session 10 - Leveraging Technology and Youth Power for Safer Roads In this session with Fondation Botnar, AIP Foundation and Youth for Road Safety (YOURS), we will discuss: the AI&Me framework in the “AI&Me: Empowering Youth...

#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 9: Learnings from High Impact RAPs -Recording now available

Over 121 participants from 51 countries tuned in last week for the 9th #RAPKnowledgeLive session – Learnings from High Impact RAPs. This session took a deep dive into the progress, experiences, learnings and achievements of AusRAP, ThaiRAP, BrazilRAP Sao Paulo and...

Introducing a 2-part online live course: Crash Risk Mapping (July 2024)

iRAP offers a comprehensive two-part online course (2 x 1 hour live sessions) on Crash Risk Mapping, equipping you with the skills and knowledge to identify and address high-risk areas on your roads. Crash Risk Mapping: Crash Risk Maps use detailed crash data to...

Invitation to attend: Improving Infrastructure Safety in Southern Africa webinar

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Alliance of NGOs for road safety is collaborating with iRAP to deliver a webinar building capacity and proficiency of participants involved in road infrastructure development, maintenance and management.  The objective...

#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 9: Learnings from High Impact RAPs

High Impact RAPs iRAP is the global umbrella organisation for a number of ‘x’RAPs – national or state Road Assessment Programmes (RAPs) - that bring together local experts, using local research and resources to eliminate high-risk roads in their countries, supported...


​iRAP regularly delivers live training and knowledge-building webinars. Live webinars are also recorded and made available to take-at-your-own-pace. Training webinars typically include practical assignments with feedback from the iRAP team and a certificate of completion.


Scheduled live webinars

WebinarDetailsDate & TImeRegistration details

2-Session Online Training Course: Assuring Quality in iRAP Projects

iRAP is offering a comprehensive two-part online course (2 x 1 hour live sessions) on Assuring Quality in iRAP Projects, equipping participants with the essential tools and insights to ensure the accuracy and reliability of road safety assessments.
Click here for more information
Dates: Thursday, 3 & 10 October 2024
Time: 8.00 AM – 9.00 AM ET /
2.00 PM – 3.00 PM CET
Click here to register

Webinars available to take at-your-own-pace

Click on the (+) on the right hand side of each topic to expand and enrol for a course.


Introduction to iRAP (available in English, Spanish and Portuguese)
WebinarDetailsRegistration details

Topic: Introduction to iRAP

Introduction to iRAP
An introduction to the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP)

1 x 1-hour module plus assignment
Available now


Introducción a iRAP
Una introducción al Programa Internacional de Evaluación de Vias (iRAP)

1 módulo de 1 hora más tarea
Disponible ahora


Introdução ao iRAP
Uma introdução ao Programa Internacional de Inspeção de Vias (iRAP)

1 módulo de 1 hora hour + tarefa
Disponível agora


Programmes and Projects (available in English and Spanish)
WebinarDetailsRegistration details

Topic: Programmes and Projects

Establishing a RAP in Your Country or Region
For those that want to learn how to establish a Road Assessment Program

1 x 1-hour module plus assignments



Available now


Desarrollar un programa iRAP en su país o estado

Para aquellos que quieran aprender a establecer un programa de evaluación vial

1 módulo de 1 hora más asignaciones
Disponible ahora


Planning and Procuring an iRAP Project
For those that want to learn how to plan and manage an iRAP project

1 x 1-hour module plus assignments



Available now


Star Rating Essentials (available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Vietnamese, French)
WebinarDetailsRegistration details

Topic: Star Rating Essentials

Star Rating Essentials
For those that want to learn how to perform iRAP assessments

4  modules plus assignments
USD 200
Estimated dedication time: 30 hours
Available now


Los Fundamentos de la Clasificación por Estrellas de iRAP
Para aquellos que quieran aprender cómo realizar evaluaciones iRAP

5 Módulos de 1 hora más tareas
USD 200
Disponible ahora


Fundamentos iRAP de Classificação por Estrelas
Para quem deseja aprender a fazer avaliações do iRAP

5 Módulos de 1 hora mais tarefas
USD 200
Disponível agora


Основы Звездного Рейтинга iRAP
For those that want to learn how to perform iRAP assessments

5 x 1 hour modules plus assignments
USD 200
Available now


Khóa học Xếp hạng Sao Cơ bản của iRAP
For those that want to learn how to perform iRAP assessments

5 x 1 hour modules plus assignments
USD 200
Available now


Les essentiels du classement par étoiles de l'iRAP
Pour ceux qui veulent apprendre à effectuer des évaluations iRAP

5 modules de 1 heure plus les devoirs
200 USD
Disponible dès maintenant


Star Rating for Designs (available in English, Vietnamese, Spanish and Portuguese)
WebinarDetailsRegistration details

Topic: Star Ratings for Designs

Star Ratings for Designs
For those that want to learn how to Star Rate road designs using the Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) web app

4 x 1 hour modules plus assignments
USD 200
Recommended prerequisite: Star Rating Essentials
Available now


Star Ratings for Designs (in Vietnamese)
For those that want to learn how to Star Rate road designs using the Star Rating for Designs (SR4D) web app

4 x 1 hour modules plus assignments
USD 200
Recommended prerequisite: Star Rating Essentials
Available now


Clasificación de Estrellas para Diseños
Para aquellos que quieran aprender cómo clasificar por estrellas los diseños de vías con la aplicación web Star Rating for Designs (SR4D)

4 Módulos de 1 hora más tareas
USD 200
Requisito previo recomendado: Los Fundamentos para Clasificar por Estrellas
Disponible ahora


Classificação por Estrelas para Desenhos
Para aqueles que desejam aprender como classificar por estrelas os designs com o aplicativo web Star Rating for Designs (SR4D)

4 Módulos de 1 hora mais tarefas
USD 200
Requisito previo recomendado: Fundamentos iRAP para Classificação por Estrelas
Disponível agora


Star Rating for Schools (available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Vietnamese)
WebinarDetailsRegistration details

Topic: Star Ratings for Schools

Star Ratings for Schools
For those that want to learn how to use the Star Rating for Schools web app

3 modules including 15 short lecture videos plus assignments
Self-paced course, 6-8 hours to complete


Star Rating For Schools
Para aquellos que quieran aprender a usar la aplicación web Star Rating for Schools

3 módulos que incluyen 15 videos de conferencias breves más tareas
Curso a su propio ritmo, de 6 a 8 horas para completar


Star Rating For Schools
Para quem quer aprender a usar a ferramenta do Star Rating for Schools

4 Módulos de 1 hora mais tarefas
Disponível agora


Star Rating For Schools
Dành cho những ai muốn tìm hiểu cách sử dụng ứng dụng web Xếp hạng sao cho trường học

Mô-đun 4 x 1 giờ cộng với bài tập
Tiếng Anh
Sẵn ngay bây giờ

Tham gia

Additional coding courses (available in English, Spanish and Portuguese)
WebinarDetailsRegistration details

Topic: Additional coding courses

Building your coding skills
For those that want to improve their Road Attribute Coding skills.

2 x 1 hour modules plus assignments
USD 100
Recommended prerequisite: Star Rating Essentials
Available now


Como mejorar tus habilidades de codificación
Para aquellos que quieran mejorar sus habilidades de codificación de atributos de carreteras.

2x módulos de 1,5 horas más tareas
USD 100
Requisito previo recomendado: Los fundamentos de la clasificación por estrellas
Disponible ahora


Desenvolvendo Suas Habilidades de Codificação
Para aqueles que desejam melhorar suas habilidades de codificação de atributos de vias.

2x módulos de 1,5 horas + tarefas
USD 100
Pre requisito recomendado: Fundamentos iRAP para Classificação por Estrelas
Disponível agora


iRAP Road Attribute Coding exercises
For those that want to practice coding and receive feedback from iRAP.

5 sets of coding exercises 
USD 100
Recommended prerequisite: Star Rating Essentials
English, Portuguese and Spanish
Available now


UsRAP Data Coding
A Complete Course on Data Preparation is one of a series of courses developed in a partnership between Iowa State University ELO and usRAP. This course covers the process of preparing the data is needed by ViDA in order to generate star ratings and safer roads investment plans

8 modules of 1 hour each
Available now


Advanced star rating and investment planning (available in English, Spanish and Portuguese)
WebinarDetailsRegistration details

How to achieve a star rating target: advanced investment planning in ViDA
In support of the Global Road Safety Performance Targets, this webinar will teach participants how the iRAP software, ViDA, can be used to plan infrastructure and speed management improvements that will achieve a star rating target for all road users.

2 x 1-hour modules plus assignment
Prerequisite: Completion of Star Rating Essentials
Preferred: Completion of Star Ratings for Designs and Building Your Coding Skills
Target audience: Professionals working to improve the safety of roads, including ViDA Creator account users and iRAP accredited suppliers.
Available now 


Cómo lograr un objetivo de clasificación por estrellas
En apoyo de los Objetivos Globales de Desempeño de Seguridad Vial, este curso enseña a los participantes cómo el software iRAP, ViDA, puede usarse para planificar mejoras en la gestión de la infraestructura y la velocidad que lograrán un objetivo de calificación de estrellas para todos los usuarios de la via.

2 módulos de 1 hora más asignación
Requisito previo: completar Los fundamentos de la clasificación por estrellas
Preferido: completar el Clasificación por estrellas para los diseños y Cómo mejorar sus habilidades de codificación
Público alvo: profesionales que trabajan para mejorar la seguridad de las vias, incluidos los usuarios de cuentas de ViDA Creador y los proveedores acreditados de iRAP.
Disponible ahora


Como alcançar uma meta de classificação por estrelas
Em apoio às Metas Globais de Desempenho de Segurança no Trânsito, este curso ensina aos participantes como o software do iRAP, o ViDA, pode ser usado para planejar melhorias de velocidade e gerenciamento de infraestrutura que atingirão uma meta de classificação por estrelas para todos os usuários das vias.

2 módulos de 1 hora mais tarefas
Requisito prévio: completar o curso Fundamentos iRAP para Classificação por Estrelas
Preferência: completar os cursos de Classificação por estrelas para desenhos e Desenvolvendo suas habilidades de codificação
Público alvo: profissionais que trabalham para melhorar a segurança viária, usuários das contas de ViDA Creador e fornecedores acreditados do iRAP.
Disponível agora


Dissemination Presentations

Click on the (+) on the right hand side of the panel below to expand and enrol for a course.


Special presentations
Special PresentationsDetailsRegistration details

STOP THE PRESS! 700,000 deaths and serious injuries saved: Johns Hopkins report - special presentation

Join us to hear the research findings and life-saving stories behind the unveiled numbers.

1 hour video
Available now

Watch the video here

Demonstration of Urban Investment Plans webinar
The new urban countermeasures are now available in ViDA and after watching this recording webinar, you will be able to see how you can turn the countermeasures on for your own urban projects.

1 hour video
Available now

Watch the video here

Coffee and Connect meeting May 2022
More than 230 leads of national road assessment programmes (RAPs) in 46 countries registered for Coffee and Connect delivered in English and Spanish this month to learn about the key elements and partners that make up an effective RAP ‘ecosystem’ and tips for engaging them for success.

1-1.5 hour video
Available now

Watch the video here
Mira el video aqui

Coffee and Connect meeting April 2021
This webinar session presents the 20 year success of the EuroRAP UK programme.

2 hour video
Available now

Watch the video here

Coffee and Connect meeting November 2021
Almost 50 leads of national road assessment programmes in 26 countries gathered for this webinar, a biannual event which provides the opportunity for programmes to learn from best practice and innovation, and collaborate for success.

2 hour video
Available now

Watch the video here

Saving lives in the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS)
A summary of key World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) and iRAP achievements in BIGRS

1 hour video
English, Spanish
Available now

Watch the videos here

World Bank and iRAP helping save lives on Indian roads
A summary of key World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) and iRAP achievements in BIGRS in India

4 x 1 hour video
Available now

Watch the videos here

World Bank and iRAP helping save lives in Africa - BIGRS 2021-25
This series covered practical examples of road safety experiences, lessons learned, and how to use iRAP methodology to do safety assessments across the region.

4 x 1.5 hour video
Available now

Watch the videos here

UNRSC Webinar Summary: The Ten Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure
The webinar presented the Ten Step Plan produced by the UNRSC Safer Roads and Mobility Group partners.

1 hour video
Available now

Watch the video here
Esta serie desarrolla la capacidad de las autoridades viales en América Latina interesadas en la metodología iRAP para eliminar las vías de alto riesgo.

4 videos x 1 hora



Mira los videos aqui
BrazilRAP, desafios e oportunidades: lições aprendidas após 1 ano do lançamento no Brasil
The BrazilRAP One Year On Workshop held on 16 December drew 157 stakeholders and highlighted significant progress and high level commitment to eliminating high-risk roads across the country.

1 video x 1 hora

Assista ao video aqui
BrazilRAP webinar: Second annual meeting
The recorded webinar delivered in Dec 2021 features government agencies, development banks, road concessionaires, engineering companies and road research institutes to present the results of research and road coding since 2019 and what the next strategies will be for 2022.

1 video x 1 hora

Assista ao video aqui

Metodología iRAP en carreteras concesionadas en Brasil - una experiencia de Pavesys (iRAP methodology on concessioned highways in Brazil - a Pavesys experience)
This video was part of the BIGRS webinar series delivered in December 2020.

1 video x 1 hora
Español (close captions in English available)

Mira el video aqui

Seguimiento del desempeño de la seguridad vial - una experiencia de SEMIC  (Monitoring of road safety performance - a SEMIC experience)

This video was part of the BIGRS webinar series delivered in December 2020.

1 video x 1 hora
Español (close captions in English available)

Mira el video aqui

#RAPKnowledgeLive session recordings

Click on the (+) on the right hand side of the panel below to expand and enrol for a course.


#RAPKnowledgeLive 2023 Webinar Recordings
Seminar TopicDetailsWatch here

#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 9: High Impact RAPs

This session takes a deep dive into the progress, experiences, learnings and achievements of AusRAP, ThaiRAP, BrazilRAP Sao Paulo and KSARAP shared for the mutual benefit of all partners working in countries.Find out more and watch recording here

#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 8: A deep dive into ViDA

Celebrating over a decade of ViDA’s contributions to road safety, the session delved into the platform’s latest advancements and features, equipping participants to take their road safety analysis to the next level.Find out more and watch recording here

#RAPKnowledgeLive: Session 7 - Data Driven Insights, Enhancing iRAP road safety reports with PowerBI


  • How to access the iRAP Power BI Project Dashboard and connect it with your iRAP data.
  • Ready-made interactive reports to analyze road safety data, including Star Ratings, road characteristics and investment plans.
  • Practical applications of the Dashboard, including publishing online.
Find out more and watch recording here

#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 6 – The latest from CycleRAP

In this session, iRAP’s Global Innovation Manager and Cities Specialist Monica Olyslagers presented on:

  • A brief introduction of CycleRAP and its evolution since being launched in 2022.
  • Discussion on the pilot project, including the ‘Cycling around the World’ report and associated case studies.
  • Whats next for CycleRAP?


Find out more and watch recording here

#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 5 – Road Safety Toolkit - the one-stop road safety resource for all

Building on decades of road safety research, the Toolkit provides a one stop road safety resource for engineers, road safety advocates, students and policy makers to help develop safety plans for all road users. 

Find out more and watch recording here

#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 4 – Have you unlocked the power of iRAP’s Safety Insights Explorer for your country?

In this session we discuss:

In this session we will cover:
- All the new features that have been introduced
- A live demonstration of the tool
- Help you understand how the Safety Insights Explorer can identify how safe the roads are in your country or region and how a targeted investment can have a positive impact.

Find out more and watch recording here

#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 3 – Updates to the Star Rating for Designs web app

In this session we discuss:

- All the new features that have been introduced
- A live demonstration of the web app
- An understanding on how the SR4D web app can help you achieve the UN Global Road Safety Performance Targets with a focus on Target 3 – ensuring all new roads are built to a 3-star or better standard for all road users.
Find out more and watch recording here

#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 2 – Route Review Tool

In this session we discuss:

- What the Route Review Tool is, and its role in the RAP Methodology;
- How the Route Review Tool Works;
- Case of application, UK
Find out more and watch recording here

#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 1 – Youth Engagement App (YEA) for Safer School Journeys

In this session we discuss:

- how the free app works;
- how it’s capturing student road safety experiences to inform safer journeys;
- its implementation in projects and preliminary results – over 19,000 pins dropped so far giving youth a voice to inform decision-makers.
Find out more and watch recording here

EuroRAP Lunchtime seminar series recordings

Click on the (+) on the right hand side of the panel below to expand and enrol for a course.


Specific Europe online seminar recordings
Seminar TopicDetailsWatch here

EuroRAP Lunchtime Seminar #9: The Road Infrastructure Safety Management Directive and its application

For this Lunchtime webinar, we invited Samar Abouraad, iRAP's Safer Journeys Specialist for Europe as well as Professor Marko Sevrovic, Senior Road Safety Expert to the European Commission, to present on the following topics:

  • Introduction to iRAP's work towards the decade of action and the Safe Systems Approach
  • Presentation of the European Road Infrastructure Safety Management Directive and its application
  • Presentation of the Network-Wide Road Safety Assessment Methodology: Details about the various steps and calculations related to data collection, screening and classifying the road network
  • Q&A Session at the end for participants
Watch the video here

EuroRAP Lunchtime Seminar #8: Performance Tracking using Star Ratings

For this lunchtime discussion, we invited Morgan Fletcher, iRAP’s Operations Team Lead for Latin America and the Caribbean to provide a presentation on:

  • Introduction to Star Rating Performance Tracking and the Global Road Safety Performance Target 4
  • Tips for incorporating performance tracking into your project
  • Star Rating Performance Tracking case studies from Europe and beyond.
Watch the video here

EuroRAP Lunchtime seminar #7: RAP Basics – Star Rating for Designs

For this lunchtime discussion, we have invited James Bradford, iRAP’s Global Technical Director to provide a presentation on:
  • What is the context and purpose of Star Rating for Designs? 
  • How Star Rating for Designs can be used within the road design process. 
  • How to use the Star Rating Demonstrator for Star Rating for Designs.
Watch the video here

EuroRAP Lunchtime seminar #6 - CycleRAP

Learn about the problems CycleRAP can help solve, who can use it and many other interesting things about this new method during our next Lunchtime seminar. At the end, Monica Olyslagers will also be available for your questions about CycleRAP.Watch the video here

EuroRAP Lunchtime seminar #5 - Star Rating Basics

The main features of the Star Rating approach will be presented by Morgan Fletcher, iRAP’s Latin America and Caribbean Operations Lead, and Suzy Charman from EuroRAP’s Management Committee.Watch the video here

EuroRAP Lunchtime seminar #4: National Schemes Forum

The seminar will be a forum where representatives of the national programmes/schemes can showcase their work, learn from each other and encourage other countries to start with similar programmes and activities. Watch the video here

EuroRAP Lunchtime seminar #3: EuroRAP Slovenia - Success story 2008-2021

Jure Kostanjšek, Secretary-General of the Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Slovenia (AMZS), and Klemen Filipič, accredited iRAP engineer at AMZS, present the EuroRAP programme in Slovenia: a success story 2008–2021.Watch the video here

EuroRAP Lunchtime seminar #2 on Research and Innovation Hot Topic: AiRAP

Monica Olyslagers, iRAP’s Global Innovation Manager and Cities Specialist provides a presentation on this fascinating topic and who will be pleased to take your questions about it.Watch the video here

EuroRAP Lunchtime seminar #1: Crash Risk Mapping in the UK and Croatia

Brian Lawton from the UK’s Road Safety Foundation will talk about the Crash Risk Mapping approach and will describe how the project has been critical to the development of the Department for Transport’s £100 million Safer Roads Fund, and how the data have been used to scope the opportunity for investment in safer road infrastructure.
Marko Sevrovic from the European Institute of Road Assessment will showcase the Crash Risk Mapping work in Croatia.
Watch the video here

In-person training

In-person training courses can include in-room and field work components. Course content, size and length can be customised to suit specific needs and audiences. iRAP courses may also be combined with courses on related topics, such as road safety audits and crash data management.

The following are example course outlines:


The iRAP team can also provide mentoring over an extended period, sharing guidance and advice via online meetings and technical support for projects

For more information

For more information about training, please contact Franco Azzato, iRAP Training and Accreditation Coordination,

For more information on attaining iRAP Accreditation, visit


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The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
GET IN TOUCH │ Europe │ Africa │ Asia Pacific │ Latin America and Caribbean │ North America

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