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What makes a 3-star or better school journey?

What makes a 3-star or better school journey?

Every four minutes, a child dies in a traffic crash around the world. Many others are permanently injured. Children walking to school are particularly vulnerable. In many countries, most crashes involving children happen within 500m from the school, many of them at...
Star Rating for Schools Results in Vietnam showcased

Star Rating for Schools Results in Vietnam showcased

AIP Foundation, AA Vietnam and iRAP co-hosted the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) with Hands-on Examples of Vietnam Webinar on 11 November with the support of the FIA and FIA Foundation. The webinar brought together over 60 SR4S technical experts, Region II FIA clubs...
Alliance members pilot SR4S app

Alliance members pilot SR4S app

The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety is one of iRAP’s Lead Partners in the pilot phase of development and rollout of the Star Rating for Schools program. In Cambodia, Cameroon, India, Kenya, Malaysia, and Nigeria, Alliance members have been testing the Star...
Safer school zone launched at Rodrigo Lara School, Bogota

Safer school zone launched at Rodrigo Lara School, Bogota

The Secretary of Mobility Juan Pablo Bocarejo has today launched the new safe school zone at Rodrigo Lara School in Bogota, built on the back of a Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) assessment and recommendation. In a project partnership between the Secretariat of...
Star Rating for Schools at SDG Festival in Action, Bonn

Star Rating for Schools at SDG Festival in Action, Bonn

“You need to create a safe environment. The goal should be for every single school around the world to have a safer environment. Safe infrastructure saves lives.” – Julio Urzua, iRAP’s Regional Director – The Americas, discussing Star Ratings for Schools...
5-Star School Journey for Lusaka Students

5-Star School Journey for Lusaka Students

For students of Justin Kabwe Primary School in Lusaka, Zambia, their journey to school has just gotten a whole lot safer, with access roads raised from 1 and 2-star dangerous to 5-star safety excellence. Thanks to an Amend project, supported by FedEx and the FIA...
Safer Journeys to School Roundtable Event, Zambia

Safer Journeys to School Roundtable Event, Zambia

iRAP Regional Director for the Americas Julio Urzua is in Lusaka, Zambia today for the Safer and Healthier Journeys to School Roundtable providing critical focus on the status and actions needed to assure African children’s basic right to an education and safe access...

The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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