Event Summary: ADB Transport Forum 2024. Achieving Sustainable, Resilient Transport.
iRAP was delighted to contribute to the Asia and the Pacific ADB Transport Forum from 14 – 15 May in Manila, focussed on transport as an enabler of development in the region and ways to address the threats from climate change. Transport plays a huge role in...
Come see us this week at the Asia and the Pacific Transport Forum
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will host the 2024 Asia and the Pacific Transport Forum in Manila on 14-17 May, and iRAP’s Global Programme Director Greg Smith and IndiaRAP Technical Manager Jigesh Bhavsar will be on hand to share and support partner activity...
Improved road design saves 1,845 lives with climate resilience for Uzbekistan’s A380
An Asian Development Bank (ADB) Report has shared the Bank’s partnership with ORIS using Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins to optimise the safety and climate resilience of upgrade designs for the A380 Highway in Uzbekistan, projecting the saving of 1,845...
The Road Safety Capacity Building Programme wins the 2023 Prince Michael International Road Safety Award
The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), together with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), and the Asia Pacific Road Safety Observatory (APRSO), has won the 2023 Prince Michael International Road Safety Award, for...
Event Summary: 2023 Asia Pacific Regional Road Safety Seminar
iRAP was proud to be a part of the Asia Pacific Regional Road Safety Seminar last week in Manila, hosted by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) and Asia Pacific Regional Road Safety Observatory (APRSO). Each day, it is estimated...
Improving Road Safety in Cambodia project kicks off
Left to Right: iRAP Global Projects Director Julio Urzua, Secretary of State Mr Phneng Sovicheano, iRAP Global Operations Manager Luke Rogers and RoadKorea Branch Manager Jaebum Seo An “Improving Road Safety in Cambodia” project has kicked off this week supported by...
$1 billion to Improve India’s Road Safety
Image source: iRAP The World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB) have each announced USD$250 million in funding to support India’s Program for Strengthening Road Safety, an investment to be matched by the Government of India for a sum $1 billion investment in road...
ADB and iRAP sign new partnership to save lives in the Asia Pacific
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) are proud to announce the signing of a 5-year agreement to promote programmes and projects for safe and sustainable transport in Asia and the Pacific. ADB and iRAP have been working in...
How a 5-star system is helping Pakistan fix dangerous roads
Asif Azam, Deputy Director of Road Management at the National Highway Authority (NHA) of Pakistan and Greg Smith, iRAP Global Partnerships Director recently presented at the Asia Pacific Road Safety Observatories (ASPRO) Webinar on outcomes in Pakistan arising from...
ADB Scaling Up Innovative Road Safety in 7 Countries
iRAP and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) have recently completed a 4-year project to scale up innovative road safety operations in 7 countries. With impact in China, Fiji, Lao, Maldives, Mongolia, Pakistan and Vietnam, the project has involved the Star Rating...