Network scanning
EuroRAP RPS 1.0
The EuroRAP RPS 1.0 model was based on a limited set of road attributes, such as safety barriers, that afford protection to car occupants in the event of a crash.

The model was developed in 1999 with the (then) Swedish National Road Administration, the Dutch Ministry of Transport, National Roads Authority Republic of Ireland, Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) and with contributions from the English Highways Agency, Germany federal research agency, BASt, leading European motoring organisations and EuroRAP.
The EuroRAP model was used over the period 2004-10 to assess roads, initially in Sweden and Germany, then in 10 countries by 2011 to produce The European Road Safety Atlas.
Following demand by users worldwide for more detailed assessments and economic modelling covering all road users, the EuroRAP model evolved into today’s iRAP tools.