The Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week focused on speed management. It promoted the tagline #SlowDown from the perspective of safe road users, safe vehicles and safe roads. Thousands of people pledged to slow down all around the world and thousands more organized #SlowDown Day events. These events set political momentum for slower roads all around the world with a view to permanently slow down roads around schools and in neighbourhoods. These events reached hundreds of thousands of people and set about a global movement to #SlowDown roads all around the world.
For the Safe Roads perspective the iRAP Star Ratings were used to graphically demonstrating the relationship between speed and safety, helping to answer questions like: What speed do you need to travel on each road type to ensure a 3-star or better experience? What road features should you include in a road design to provide a 3-star or better experience for all road users?
For example:
#SlowDown on high-standard urban roads to be #3StarOrBetter for pedestrians*
When basic features like footpaths, pedestrian fencing, and safe speed-managed crossings are in place a road can be 5-star for pedestrians at low-speeds. Speed management and traffic calming that keeps speeds at or below 50 km/h can ensure a 4-star or better experience for pedestrians.
#SlowDown more on low-standard urban roads to be #3StarOrBetter for pedestrians*
When footpaths are ineffective or non-existent and crossings are absent or do not effectively slow traffic the risk to pedestrians is hard to manage. Speeds must be 40 km/h or less to provide a 3-star or better experience for pedestrians.