6th UN Global Road Safety Week: Streets for life – #Love30 (17-23 May 2021)
iRAP calls on its partners and the community worldwide to support the 6th United Nations Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) #StreetsForLife #Love30 campaign.
Low speed streets save lives. Road traffic crashes kill 1.35 million every year and tens of millions more are injured. These deaths and injuries are preventable. 30km/h speeds protect road users and reduce loss of life.
Sharing the community voice
Demonstrating how lower speed streets can saves lives
The Second Decade of Action 2021 – 2030 has reaffirmed the ambitious target of halving the raw number of road traffic deaths and injuries by 2030. The Second Decade will continue to reinforce the 12 Global Road Safety Performance Targets, including Target 3 for all new roads to be 3-star or better for all road users and Target 4 for >75% of travel to be on the equivalent of 3-star or better roads for all by 2030.
A paradigm shift in how streets are designed, starting with low speeds where people and traffic mix, makes streets safe, accessible, enjoyable and equitable for all road users, delivering multiple benefits for all whilst accelerating action across interlinking SDGs.
The iRAP global Star Rating standard and supporting KPIs, Risk Mapping, fatality and injury estimations, investment plans and innovative tools like ViDA, Star Rating for Designs, Star Rating for Schools and AiRAP will empower partners to act worldwide.
We know road injury is preventable. We have the engineering know-how, a global road infrastructure safety standard for benchmarking, and free tools, training and support to make the world’s roads safer. To assess risk, build safety into road designs and reduce danger for pedestrians, motorcyclists, cyclists and vehicle occupants. From world-class highway concessions, rural roads and city streets where our children walk to school and live.
As we move into the Second Decade of Action for Road safety, we know tackling speeds can catalyse a package of road safety interventions for safe and healthy streets for all.
Low speed streets need to be a priority for all.
iRAP is proud to support and advocate the 6th United Nations Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) held this year from the 17 – 23 May. Download our UNGRSW key messages here
Below are the UNGRSW resources that can help our RAP Community get involved and create a world free of high-risk roads for all road users.
UNGRSW Resources
Design Safer Streets Resources
In collaboration with NACTO-GDCI, we have developed 3 animations to promote how we can lower speeds around the world to protect people and enable healthy, more sustainable choices such as walking and cycling. Safe liveable streets, made possible by low speeds, are at the centre of the Sustainable Goal agenda. Streets are for all of us, whatever our age, background or income level.
Our streets are for life.
Animation of a 24 m Residential Street (as seen on pages 37-38 of the iRAP Star Ratings of NACTO-GDCI’s Global Street Design Guide)
Animation of a 30 m Neighborhood Main Street (as seen on pages 43-44 of the iRAP Star Ratings of NACTO-GDCI’s Global Street Design Guide)
Animation of a 18 m Central One-Way Street (as seen on pages 45-46 of the iRAP Star Ratings of NACTO-GDCI’s Global Street Design Guide)
The iRAP Star Ratings of NACTO-GDCI’s Global Street Design Guide resource is free and here to help you design safe streets in your community, to help save lives and improve sustainable mobility for all road users.
High quality road design takes the needs of all road users into account. This supplement to the Global Street Design Guide – which gives the iRAP Star Rating for the existing and improved designs – will allow road designers everywhere to understand the scale of the safety benefit that good road design can deliver. Importantly, it is freely available, and will provide ideas to those wanting to make safety upgrades to their streets, and will help those making upgrades understand the safety benefits.
Key events during UNGRSW
17 May: Launch of the 6th UN Global Road Safety Week – hosted by WHO and FIA Foundation
18 May: How Communities Can Help Students Get to School Safely? A webinar hosted by the Child Injury Prevention Alliance
18 May: Road to Zero: Exploring Speed Management in the US and Abroad (FIA Foundation, National Centre for Safe Routes to School)
18-20 May: PIARC International Seminar – Road Safety in Low to Middle Income Countries: Issues and Countermeasures
19 May: iRAP and YOURS proudly co-hosting a ‘Young Female Leadership on Sustainable Mobility’ Industry talk – Autonomy Digital 2.0!
19 May: Join the Global Alliance for Road Safety NGO’s #Love30 Global Rally online
19 May: Streets for Life – Saving Lives on the Roads through Safe Speeds online event hosted by the World Bank’s GRSF
19 May: Empowering Communities to Manage Speed (official launch of the Low Speed Zone Guide) – hosted by the World Bank’s GRSF
20 May: Looking Ahead to 2030 – A New Global Decade of Road Safety Action in Portugal, the EU and Africa