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Original article published on Project PHOEBE website here
Image credit: Project PHOEBE

The PHOEBE consortium celebrated its first anniversary during our latest consortium meeting in Munich on 13 and 14 December 2023. The Technical University of Munich hosted around 20 consortium partners to draw initial conclusions from the first 12 months of the project and plan for 2024. Besides these exchanges, social activities included a stroll across Christmas markets and the historic old town of the Bavarian capital. 

The meeting started with a small quiz about project outputs, highlighting the eight deliverables already completed by the project in excellent cooperation among consortium members across 75 partner meetings. This meeting included further discussions about communication goals for 2024, a short report on the first work package that was already concluded, as well as exchanges about PHOEBE KPIs for the three pilots and the integration of the two transport modelling frameworks of iRAP and Aimsun.

A significant part of the two-day meeting discussed model integration and how the updated iRAP model fits into the PHOEBE framework. The latest version includes more granular information related to speed changes of vehicles and bikes, as well as data on the crossing distance of pedestrian level crossings.

Another extensive discussion took place concerning the definition of KPIs for health, safety, environment and economic impacts. These KPIs and the socio-economic analysis will continue to be discussed and refined during the work in 2024, where parameters will be further aligned and refined.

Last but not least, the communication plan for 2024 was another essential part of the exchange. This will include, among other things, homepage updates and a stronger connection with the sister projects and other projects, such as ELABORATOR, dealing with topics of sustainable mobility and road safety. Brainstorming on the outreach potential of PHOEBE concluded the discussions on communication and dissemination, resulting in many ideas and possibilities for the upcoming year.

Overall, project partners drew a positive conclusion for the first year and are looking ahead to the upcoming tasks in 2024 and the consortium meeting in Valencia, which will take place in early June.

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