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iRAP will be in action at the ITF Summit next month where our key focusses will be on supporting member countries to eliminate high-risk roads, empowering transport safety insights through shared data, and financing equitable, green and safe road infrastructure world-wide and in Europe.

The 2023 Annual Summit of the International Transport Forum (ITF), will take place in Leipzig, Germany, from 24 to 26 May, under the Presidency of the United Kingdom.

The ITF acts as a global transport policy think tank and organises an invitation-only Summit for Transport Ministers each year. It brings together Ministers from ITF’s 64 member countries and guest countries with more than 1400 business leaders, top researchers, civil society, as well as local and regional authorities to discuss the trends and challenges shaping transport and mobility around the world.

This year’s theme Transport Enabling Sustainable Economies will bring participants together to share perspectives on the role of transport as an enabler of economic growth that also drives environmental and social sustainability. The programme will focus on five key themes:

  • Promoting inclusive access and tackling poverty;
  • Fostering transport for economic growth and stability;
  • Boosting economies through greening transport; and
  • Building safe, healthy and resilient transport systems.

iRAP’s involvement will include:

Tuesday 23 May  
0900 – 1500 hours Hosting a Financing and Delivery of Safer Roads and Streets for Europe Roundtable (closed meeting). This is a follow up event to the first roundtable held in Barcelona in October last year.
1045-1300 hours Joining the PIARC Advisory Committee Meeting
1530 – 1800 hours Meeting of iRAP’s Global Policy Advisory Committee
Wednesday 24 May  
1600 – 1730 hours Presentation by iRAP CEO Rob McInerney in the Financing Equitable, Green and Safe Transport Panel Session
Thursday 25 May  
1600-1630 hours Open Stage Cafe: CycleRAP spotlight
In the Exhibition 5 minute Spotlight Presentation on the UK Safer Roads Fund Programme at the UK Presidency booth

iRAP staff will be on hand to answer questions and participate in side meetings with countries to discuss the national status of road infrastructure safety and local initiatives and opportunities, tools and support available to save lives and reduce serious injuries on 3-star or better roads.

If you’d like to arrange a meeting with iRAP staff during the event – including Rob McInerney (CEO), Greg Smith (Global Programme Director), Julio Urzua (Global Project Director) or Samar Abouraad (Safer Journeys Specialist for Europe) – please contact Judy Williams on

For more information on the Summit, visit

Useful resources for ITF Member Countries and Media heading to the Summit:



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The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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