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The FIA have just announced that their FIA Road Safety Grants Programme will prioritise funding to school zone upgrades through the FIA School Assessment Programme. The FIA School Assessment Toolkit is an online repository with the relevant actions and documents to structuring a school assessment project with Star Rating for Schools (SR4S). It provides the knowledge, guidelines and templates needed to plan, resource, apply and advocate for the upgrades that will save children’s lives with a 3-star or better journey to school.

What is the FIA Road Safety Grants Programme?

The FIA Road Safety Grants Programme is a fund established in 2012 with an endowment from the FIA Foundation in support of FIA Members’ road safety projects. The Grants aims at strengthening the cooperation between the FIA and Members, on the five pillars of activities of the UN Decade of Action:

  • Road Safety Management,
  • Safer Roads & Mobility,
  • Safer Vehicles,
  • Safer Road Users and
  • Post-Crash Care.

What funds are available?

The yearly endowment from the FIA Foundation enables Clubs to address the road safety challenge at local level and support the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. The FIA Road Safety Grants Programme covers three different types of projects: Global Action, Transformation and Capacity Building.

Since 2012, the Grants Programme has awarded over €7.2 million in support of FIA Clubs’ Road Safety Projects all over the world. Over 350 innovative road safety initiatives have been started in more than 95 countries.

What this can mean for you and your school upgrades?

The FIA School Assessment Programme will be one of the thematic priority areas in the FIA Road Safety Grant Programme, aiming to support FIA members on upgrading school zones. The maximum funding available per project is €25,000, which can cover the full project or co-fund in addition to other sources the upgrade of at least one school zone.

Submissions must demonstrate to follow all 10 FIA School Assessment Programme steps in their project. 

How to apply?

FIA clubs can apply by registering on the FIA Road Safety Grants portalRegistration is open, and applications can be submitted between March 8 and April 28, 2021.

Not a FIA club member?

We encourage any local NGO/organisation to partner with the FIA local club for to support club applications. Check the FIA members in each country, and feel free to contact FIA to ask for a connection with the right person in each club.

For any question, please contact

In 2020, FIA region II has secured a FIA grant for €50,000 to assist clubs carry out the infrastructure projects identified by SR4S assessment. AIP Foundation/AA Vietnam and AA Ceylon (AAC) have been successful in securing a FIA grant to carry out infrastructure work to improve safety around schools guided by SR4S. The Automobile Club Albania has also started a 12-month project to assess multiple schools and upgrade one as an example to authorities.

Click here for some great examples of SR4S related projects led by FIA clubs

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The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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