The 26th FIA Mobility Conference took place in Montevideo, Uruguay from 23 to 27 July 2018, in conjunction with the 20th FIA Congress of Americas, and at the kind invitation of the Automovil Club del Uruguay (ACU). The mission of the FIA in terms of Mobility is to ensure that safe, affordable and clean systems of transport are available to all. With a theme Mobility in Transformation, the event attracted motoring and touring club members, alongside authorities and other stakeholders, to discuss means to achieve accessible, sustainable and safe mobility for all.
Programme and presentations
Comprising keynote sessions, panel discussions and workshops, the programme looked at topics such as: mobility in transport, the global sustainability agenda, unlocking innovative mobility solutions, innovation in road safety and connecting with the global community. iRAP’s presentations included:
- Global Road Safety and 3-star or Better Roads – iRAP CEO Rob McInerney & Regional Director for the Americas Julio Urzua
This presentation profiled policy and promotion opportunities for mobility clubs building on the new UN Global Road Safety Targets and 3-star or better safer roads advocacy successes. Mobility Clubs work closely with Ministers and road authorities to advocate for safer roads in local communities on behalf of their members and the presentation looked at win-win solutions for government and clubs on the back of star rating assessments and infrastructure upgrades. iRAP’s Vaccines for Roads Big Data Tool and Business Case for Safer Roads was profiled and its usage opportunities explained to assist clubs in understanding the current safety situation of the world’s roads and the economic and human lives savings possible in meeting UN Global Road Safety Targets 3 and 4. The Star Rating for Schools app and iRAP Innovation and the Safer Cities Consortium was profiled, as well as case studies of mobility club success in advocating for and achieving 3-star or better safer roads which save lives and prevent serious injuries. - iRAP Star Rating for Schools Demonstration Session – iRAP Regional Director for the Americas Julio Urzua
With an introduction by Luca Pascotto, FIA Manager of Road Safety and Advocacy. this practical session demonstrated Star Rating for Schools (SR4S), and the opportunities it presents to clubs in their advocacy. SR4S is the first ever systematic and evidence-based tool for measuring, managing and communicating the risk children are exposed to on school journeys. Developed with sponsorship from FedEx, it is an easy-to-use, low-cost application that harnesses the power of the iRAP Star Rating for Pedestrians and combines an Android tablet or smart phone app and a Global Reporting web application. SR4S assesses the risk to pedestrians at spot locations and once measured, mitigation treatments can be considered and assessed with a new Star Rating. An investment plan can be determined and interventions and success tracked. The app supports quick interventions that save lives and injuries from day one.

Top right image: Rob McInerney and Gloria Hutt, Minister of Transport Chile review Vaccines for Roads, the safety of Chilean road infrastructure and projects occurring in the region.