Leveraging investment in the Philippines
Network-level Safer Roads Investment Plans provide a means of leveraging existing investments for road safety.
With financial assistance from the Global Road Safety Facility, the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the Automobile Association of the Philippines (AAP) led iRAP assessments of approximately 3,000km of national roads. Although these represent just fewer than 10% of national roads, they carry almost 30% of traffic. The most comprehensive plan developed in the project identified investments totalling $150 million which could prevent an estimated 27,000 deaths and serious injuries over 20 years.
By identifying complementary objectives with projects as diverse as the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)-financed improvements of roads in Samar, the Motor Vehicle User Charge ‘additional pavement width’ fund and the black spot program, opportunities to leverage existing finance to implement the majority of safety recommendations were identified. For example, although the ‘additional pavement width’ fund is specifically designed to increase road capacity, the iRAP project found that by improving overtaking facilities, and thereby reducing the risk of head-on crashes, significant safety benefits would also be achieved through the construction of additional lanes on parts of the network.
As a result of the success of the first project in the Philippines, a second phase of assessments was financed by the Australian Government overseas aid program, AusAID.