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iRAP Centre of Excellence, ARRB has launched NetRisk2, a tool that brings together AusRAP data generated using the iRAP Star Rating methodology, and Australian National Risk Assessment Model (ANRAM) data.

iRAP’s Global Innovation Manager and Cities Specialist Monica Olyslagers said, “NetRisk2 is a fantastic example of local innovation building on the iRAP Star Rating Methodology to meet a local need.

“Through iRAP’s Innovation Framework there are several exciting initiatives underway globally that are Made Safer by iRAP and will help countries accelerate towards the global target of halving road death and injury by 2030.”

ARRB Chief Executive Officer Michael Caltabiano said road agencies, road managers and especially local government – which controls 75% of Australia’s roads – will benefit from using NetRisk2.

“Using NetRisk2 allows Councils to embed a virtual road safety expert within their local government authority, at significantly less cost to the Council than employing extra resources,” Mr Caltabiano said.

NetRisk2 has been developed over several years of research and development by ARRB as a practical, effective method to help Australia achieve its Vision Zero aim in line with the National Road Safety Strategy.

Australia’s National Road Safety Strategy aims to reduce the annual number of road fatalities by at least 50 per cent and serious injuries by at least 30 per cent by 2030, and pledges zero deaths and serious injuries on Australian roads by 2050.

The strategy includes a safe roads indicator for the share of travel on all national highways and on the high speed network (≥ 80 km/h) covering 80% of travel to be recognised as 3-stars (or equivalent risk rating) or better.

ARRB is one of nine iRAP Centres of Excellence, with staff who are iRAP Accredited and members of the charity’s Global Technical Advisory Committee, helping ensure the latest global road safety research informs the iRAP model and that it’s consistently applied world-wide.

As part of iRAP’s commitment as a charity, the core iRAP methodology and the VIDA software is available for use free-of-charge worldwide to help reduce the crashes that cause death and injury on the world’s roads.

For more information on NetRisk2’s Australian Launch, click here or view the promotional video below:

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The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

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