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Andorra’s first EuroRAP assessment of 80km is underway to understand the level of safety built in to the road network and identify a safer roads investment plan to reduce fatalities and injuries.

Typically, Andorra experiences a large influx of tourism and according to the most recent World Health Organisation data for 2013, the country’s death rate due to road traffic injuries is 7.6 per 100,000 population, just under half the world average.

The Star Rating survey of three major roads (CG-1, CG-2 and CG-3) has been completed, led by the Mobility Area of the RACC Mobility Club (Reial Automòbil Club de Catalunya) in cooperation with Mobilitat Govern d’Andorra, and assisted by the iRAP accredited supplier Factual Consulting.

Coding is now underway to objectively measure road safety for each road user type – vehicle occupants, motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians. Five-star roads are the safest while one-star roads are the least safe.

Results will inform road infrastructure investment in the country towards the EU Road Safety Policy Framework 2021-2030 for a 50 per cent reduction target for deaths and serious injuries by 2030.

Andorra is part of the WHO Small Countries Initiative so that countries in the WHO European Region with a population of less than 1 million people can share their knowledge on implementing Health 2020. Health 2020 is a European policy framework supporting action across government and society for enhancing health and well-being.

According to the European Commission, it is estimated that, for every life lost, five more people suffer serious injuries with life-changing consequences (around 120 000 people in 2019). The external cost of European road crashes has been estimated to be around 280 billion euros, or around 2% of EU GDP.

The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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