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Exciting news from IndiaRAP – they have just launched their new website – make sure you sign up to receive the new IndiaRAP newsletter too while you are there!
So great to see this initiative developing – thanks to the support from Asian Institute of Transport Development (AITD), FedEx, FIA Foundation and the World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility.
A great resource to help save lives on Indian Roads. Congratulations to the whole IndiaRAP team!
IndiaRAP, is the locally owned and led, globally supported road assessment programme tackling this vital public health issue. It has a vision for an India free of high risk roads. IndiaRAP was launched in 2017 as a collaboration between iRAP and the Asian Institute of Transport Development (AITD), generously supported by FedEx. IndiaRAP works with governments, development banks, mobility clubs, NGOs, research organisations and road safety stakeholders to make India’s roads safer – 3-star or better. It draws on local technical expertise and research from key national stakeholders including the Indian Road Congress, MoRTH, NHAI, IIT, CRRI and IAHE in addition to state-level partners. With the help of World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) and Bloomberg Philanthropies, IndiaRAP is shaping government investment in safer road infrastructure across the country.

Improving 10% of India’s highest risk roads (332,041 km) to a 3-star or better standard would save over 76 lakh lives and serious injuries over the next 20 years.


You can also follow IndiaRAP on twitter –
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The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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