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The Midland Highway Final Stages will deliver safety upgrades to the remaining five sections of the Midland Highway, totalling around 54 kilometres in length.

This is a vital road network and freight corridor, and these major upgrades will provide a safer and more pleasant driving experience for locals, tourists and freight operators, as well as reduce travel times.

Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Michael Ferguson, highlighted how the Australian and Tasmanian Governments are investing $500 million to upgrade the Midland Highway to a minimum 3-star AusRAP Safety Rating along the key north-south corridor, with the Australian Government committing $400 million and the Tasmanian Government committing $100 million.

To date, 16 projects have been completed and four projects are currently under construction.

Over the first two weeks of June, Community consultation was opened on concept designs for the final projects to be delivered under the Midland Highway 10 Year Action Plan. Tasmanians were invited to provide feedback on concept designs for projects at Powranna Road to South of Symmons Plains, Campbell Town North, Ross, Tunbridge, and Oatlands.

Read Tasmania’s Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Media Release here

For more information visit

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