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On 20 February in Stockholm, EuroRAP Secretary-General Lina Konstantinopoulou presented at the “After the Stockholm Declaration – What Next? How Do We Ensure Regional Buy-In and Delivery of What’s Been Agreed?” side event to the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety. The side event was hosted by the European Commission and the World Health Organization. Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director-General for Mobility and Transport addressed the audience and moderated the event.

The purpose of the event was to identify how evidence-based policies and practices can be applied, based on the safe system approach and Vision Zero, to deliver ambitious results for road safety by 2030, ensuring strong acceptance at regional level.

Lina Konstantinopoulou stressed the need to have a holistic shared responsibility approach even in infrastructure safety.  We need a supportive environment for road safety that spans across multiple sectors.

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