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iRAP accreditation is designed to upskill professionals to perform iRAP-specification activities to the same consistently high level of quality worldwide. With that, iRAP suppliers are able to bid competitively to provide iRAP-specification services. Although not mandatory, we encourage organisations that are performing and/or commissioning iRAP assessments to make use of accredited personnel.

Since November 2018, iRAP has transferred our suppliers to a new accreditation scheme and now have more than 100 suppliers. These suppliers went to a comprehensive process of training, test, agreement with iRAP Code of Conduct, interim accreditation and yearly renewal starting this July.

For the renewal, suppliers will need to report the training courses they took, projects they have performed and iRAP will seek clients feedback. iRAP will also check the compliance with our Code of Conduct.

iRAP offers two accreditation categories:

1. Activity – for individuals on Road Survey, Attribute Coding, and Analysis and Reporting.

The fee for activity accreditation is USD 200 per person per year (or USD 100 per person per year for those living in countries not defined as High Income). A person will pay a maximum of USD 200 (or USD 100) per year, regardless of the number of types of accreditation they hold.

2. Inspection systems, for companies that have their own equipment and software and want endorsement that it is able to be used for iRAP-specification surveys and coding. Companies that want to market and sell their equipment and survey seek this accreditation.

The fee for inspection system accreditation is USD 8750 per system type for 3 years, and renewal is 50% of that fee. Companies, organizations or individuals who manufacture a system are eligible to apply for accreditation. Accreditation will also be subject to testing against the inspection system specification.

As a charity, our lifesaving work is only made possible through the generosity of our donors. We also benefit greatly from the goodwill of many individuals and research organisations around the world who are committed to saving lives through safer roads.  iRAP is extremely grateful for the support of all our partners. Fees for accreditation are vitally Important in ensuring that these activities are sustainable and remain accessible to every country.

The benefits of gaining accreditation are:

  • Formal acknowledgement that the supplier is capable of performing iRAP-specification activities.
  • Formal acknowledgement that your inspection system is capable of being used to perform iRAP-specification surveys and coding.
  • Listing of the company and individual on the iRAP website as an accredited supplier. This listing is used regularly by organisations procuring iRAP-specification services, such as the World Bank.
  • Licensing of the company and individual to use the iRAP Accredited logo.
  • Regular updates on the latest developments in iRAP methodology and specifications.

Click here to know more about iRAP accreditation programme.

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The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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