June 2019: As part of our work with different road concessionaires around the world, iRAP is currently assisting ALEATICA assess and improve the safety of the Peruvian Autopista del Norte concession, known as AUNOR.
The AUNOR highway concession is for the section of the Pan-American highway between Pativilca to Trujillo. The Pan-American highway extends from the south of Chile to the northern tip of Alaska. The 356 kilometre stretch between Pativilca and Trujillo is a four lane road, and is considered an important communications corridor in Peru, linking the capital to some of the most important centres for tourism and commercial activities in the country.
As part of the process of duplicating 283 kilometres of the road, AUNOR has invited iRAP to assess the current condition of the existing road to suggest treatments aimed at improving its level of safety. As part of this task, iRAP has carried out two training activities to explain the Star Rating Methodology, and the importance of the process of coding the roads.
Star Ratings for this corridor and Safer Road Investment Plans (SRIP) will be delivered by the end of August 2019, after which AUNOR will review the results and begin implementation of selected countermeasures that will improve the level of safety for all road users.
Image on right: Map of the AUNOR concession (Peru).
Images below: Photos from the first training session in Lima (March 2019) and the second session also in Lima (June 2019).