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Congratulations to the Yangpu District Transport Commission on achieving a 5 Star Rating for bicyclists and pedestrians for its recent upgrades on Zhengtong Road, Shanghai.

Tuesday 16 April: At a Safer Streets and Safety Mobility Forum in Shanghai this week, the Yangpu District Transport Commission were presented a certificate recognising Yangpu District’s achievement of 5-stars for both pedestrians and bicyclists in its recent upgrades on Zhengtong Road.

Through the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety, the World Bank and iRAP have been supporting Shanghai’s Yangpu District Transport Commission in improving non-motorised traffic facilities on its streets.  Zhengtong Road is the first project completed with the assistance of the World Resources Institute and support from ChinaRAP.

ChinaRAP assessed over 100km of Yangpu’s roads which can be used to measure exactly how much safety is improved for pedestrians and cyclists.

It is the first project that has prioritised green transport in the area, delivering 5-Star safety for bicyclists and pedestrians.

Watch the video below released to provide an update on the Zhengtong Road redevelopment project.


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