Thanks to the Global Alliance of NGO’s for Road Safety, iRAP was proud to be apart of the Alliance Advocates training last month in India.
From the 26 – 30 November 2018, 21 new Alliance Advocates from 8 countries around Asia gathered at the College of Traffic Management, New Delhi, India. It is the first time that the Alliance Advocate training has been run in Asia.
The main objective of the training was to strengthen attendees data, project management, and advocacy skills through a practical, innovative demonstration project.
IndiaRAP’s Technical Manager Jigesh Bhavsar and Road Safety Engineer Albin Tharakan had the opportunity to train the Alliance Advocates on how to use the Star Rating for Schools app. The main objective was to enable attendees to take away what they learned and replicate in their own communities.
Throughout the week the Alliance Advocates was able to put knowledge into practice, using a real life example of the Nutan Marathi School. They then were able to learn how to:
- Collect data
- Analyse data
- Put the results into an advocacy message to present to influencers
- Gain invaluable feedback from influencers and experts
- Develop action plans to implement in their own communities.
Ms. Lotte Brondum, Executive Director of the Alliance, said: “Children in some parts of Asia are risking their lives every day on the way to school and back. The Alliance Advocates will implement realistic and effective action plans so that children don’t have to risk their lives to get an education. We encourage their governments to allow them to share their new knowledge and to work together with them to make schools across Asia safer. ”
Congratulations to Global Alliance of NGO’s for Road Safety on providing this unique learning experience for the attendees, building capacity and expertise to make the journey to and from schools safer for children around the world.
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