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Wednesday 28 November: iRAP’s Innovation Framework has launched in Washington DC at the Vision Zero and Innovation Workshop 2018, showcasing the product and model partnerships bringing the brightest minds and latest technological and research innovation together to save lives and serious injuries globally.

The online hub demonstrates how leading innovations such as Star Rating for Schools, the Star Rating Demonstrator, User Defined Investment Plans, ANRAM, CycleRAP, the Light Star Rating Model and Infrastructure for Autonomous Vehicles (to name just a few) have evolved and are being continuously improved through the application of local expertise, philanthropic support, and the peer review of global experts.

iRAP Global Product Director James Bradford said our global partnerships with government, mobility clubs, research groups and industry ensure innovative ideas from one programme partner can be developed and shared immediately with others for mutual benefit.

“Importantly, in a spirit of shared commitment and cooperation to save lives, the vast majority of our model and product innovations are provided in a free-to-air capacity for the benefit of all to use,” Mr Bradford said.

Some of iRAP’s innovation partners include: global entities such as Bloomberg Philanthropies, World Bank Global Road Safety Facility, NACTO and Global NCAP; government organisations like Highways England, Austroads and Australia’s Transport Accident Commission; mobility clubs including the Netherland’s ANWB; corporations like Abertis, FedEx, Abley and VIA Traffic Solutions Software; and membership associations such as the European Automobile Manufacturers Association. iRAP also works very closely with its Centres of Excellence and regional RAP programmes including ChinaRAP, kiwiRAP, AusRAP and EuroRAP.

At the heart of all RAP innovations and protocols globally is the iRAP Star Rating model and methodology. It provides a free-to-air consistent evidence-based global standard for assessing the level of safety which is ‘built-in’ to the road for vehicle occupants, motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians. The methodology ensures that no matter where in the world road risk is being evaluated, a consistent objective rating can be relied upon.

The model development and the technical integrity of iRAP protocols worldwide is overseen by the Global Technical Committee (GTC) comprising experts from leading road safety organisations and research agencies including ARRB Group (Australia), Instituto Mexicano del Transporte (IMT), Labtrans (Brazil), the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI), Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), MRIGlobal (USA), Research Institute of Highways (RIOH) (China), TRL (United Kingdom), SWOV (Netherlands) and Chulalongkorn University (Thailand). The GTC ensures that the latest road safety research is included and that the model is consistently applied.

Mr Bradford said we encourage any partner with an innovative idea or need for localised product or model development to contact us early.

“We can bring the best global minds and resources together, ensure development meets evidence-based standards and ultimately share innovations for the common good.

“iRAP works with partners at the forefront of research, technologies, interventions, policy and investment models making a difference on the ground in over 90 countries. They bring to the table real world solutions for local problems and fresh approaches to shared challenges.

“By working together we can ensure that the resources and solutions of high-income countries also reach low- and middle-income countries where 90% of fatalities occur, and maximise lives saved globally,” he said.

The Framework was launched at the commencement of the Vision Zero and Innovation Workshop in Washington DC. The Workshop, hosted by iRAP, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and World Resources Institute Ross Cities for Sustainable Development (WRI), will bring together 200 global partners with a key role in shaping world-wide action to achieve Vision Zero and the UN Global Road Safety Targets.

Held annually, the iRAP Innovation Workshop brings together global policy and technical leaders along with investment experts and those with the capacity to implement change and ensure that safer infrastructure and vehicles deliver their potential in creating a safe transport system.

For more information:
An Overview Flyer on the iRAP Innovation Framework can be downloaded here.

Contact: James Bradford, iRAP Global Product Director, email

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The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

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