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Event Summary: 2021 Innovation Workshop

Event Summary: 2021 Innovation Workshop

Summary The 2021 iRAP Innovation Workshop was held on 7 and 14 October 2021 and attracted 1,314 registrations from 124 countries. It was co-hosted by iRAP and the Regional Road Safety Observatories in Africa (ARSO), Asia-Pacific (APRSO), Ibero-America (OISEVI), Europe...
Using fleets to map the safety of our streets

Using fleets to map the safety of our streets

Using fleets to map the safety of our streets was the focus of an innovative session joined by iRAP CEO Rob McInerney recently at the Together for Safer Roads (TSR) Annual Meeting in the USA. On 14 September, Rob presented in the session alongside leading fleet...
Main Roads WA and Anditi break ground in AiRAP coding

Main Roads WA and Anditi break ground in AiRAP coding

Main Roads Western Australia and Anditi have revolutionized road safety assessments with an approach which automatically detects road infrastructure data applied on 2,000km of roads across the State. In their goal of Star Rating the safety of 80 per cent of the...
US AiRAP pilot announced

US AiRAP pilot announced

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) has called for tenders in an innovative AiRAP pilot to leverage artificial intelligence and big data to enhance road safety analysis in US networks, with expected global benefit. The 30-month research programme aims to advance...
Omdena Challenge collaborators share results

Omdena Challenge collaborators share results

Collaborators on the Omdena iRAP 8 Week Challenge which aimed to crowd source AI-based solutions to map crash risk and generate iRAP star rating attribute data have shared some of their publication results. Earlier this year, 50 AI and machine learning experts...
Anditi AiRAP project receives funding boost

Anditi AiRAP project receives funding boost

iRAP congratulates Anditi who has been awarded grant funding for their AiRAP project as part of an AUD$8.4 million Entrepreneurs’ Programme for Australian Innovators to bring revolutionary products to market. Anditi is a key partner in iRAP’s AiRAP...
Can your AI skills help iRAP prevent road death and injury?

Can your AI skills help iRAP prevent road death and injury?

Join the iRAP and Omdena Challenge preventing road crashes and saving lives Preventing Road Crashes and Saving Lives AI-based solutions to map crash risk and generate iRAP star rating attribute data will be the focus of a great new partnership as part of the Omdena...

The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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