INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION PRESS RELEASE: Geneva / Dar es Salaam, 16 March 2021 The Tanzania Minister for Works and Transport, H.E. Eng. Dr Leonard Madaraka Chamuriho, has officially launched the “Ten Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure” project in an on-line...

New GRSF Report: Guide for Road Safety Interventions
PRESS RELEASE First Guide to Help Identify What Works and What Does Not Work in Road Safety Washington D.C. (March 15, 2021) – The World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) launched today the Guide for Road Safety Interventions: Evidence of What Works and What...

FIA and Star Rating for Schools’ partnership leverages safer school journeys through clubs worldwide
The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) partnership with iRAP’s award-winning Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) programme is delivering unprecedented resources and funding to mobility clubs for safer school journeys world-wide. Two major FIA initiatives are...

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2021 – Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world
Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world. Today we are celebrating International Women's Day 2021. The theme this year celebrates the tremendous efforts by women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the...

HOWZAT! A win for England cricketing legends and safer roads awareness
Cricket lovers will be thrilled to hear that iRAP and the Road Safety Foundation UK (RSF) are road safety partners of the 2021 Road Safety World Series to bring awareness to the importance of eliminating high-risk roads to save lives. The partnership sees the iRAP and...

EuroRAP News: Results of the SLAIN Project released
On 4 March, EuroRAP together with Project consortium partners, released the final results of Project SLAIN (Saving Lives Assessing and Improving TEN-T Road Network Safety) in 5 European countries including Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy and Spain The project has...

A Decade of Action for Safer Roads: iRAP releases results
iRAP has captured its first Decade of Action for Road Safety impact with an image-rich virtual story - "A World Free of High-Risk Roads: A Decade of Action to Save Lives".Click on the link below to view our Decade of Action image-rich virtual storyiRAP partnerships...

First iRAP training completed in francophone speaking Burkina Faso and Niger
iRAP in partnership with the World Bank, has recently delivered first online training to road safety engineers and infrastructure safety decision makers in Burkina Faso and Niger, Africa. The project is a first for capacity building in francophone speaking countries...

iRAP Star Rating Essentials 5-part online series now available in French
Star Rating Essentials is now available to take at your own pace in French - Enrol here Get the essentials for STAR RATING roads and designs for safety through a 5 x 1 hour training modules plus assignment The United Nations (UN) have adopted targets that include Star...

iRAP ViDA Guide Version 2.1 released
The new ViDA User Guide is specifically for the use of new ViDA reports and other functions now available in ViDA. It also contains updated information on training and accreditation. The guide has been recently updated in January 2021 (Version 2.1). These updates...

What’s new for training in 2021?
In the past three years, we have been consulting with course participants and accredited suppliers on their needs and based on that, we plan to deliver in 2021: A new course on ViDA analyst. In this course, participants will learn how to access and make use of results...

Indonesian toll roads awarded iRAP Certification
Photo caption: Ms Fitri Wiyanti – Director of Operation, Mr Subakti Syukur – President Director and Mr Bagus Cahya Arinta – Regional Jasamarga Metropolitan Tollroad Division Head, Jasa Marga In a virtual signing event this week, PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk has been...

SR4S News: FIA commits grant funding to school zone upgrades
The FIA have just announced that their FIA Road Safety Grants Programme will prioritise funding to school zone upgrades through the FIA School Assessment Programme. The FIA School Assessment Toolkit is an online repository with the relevant actions and documents to...

SR4S newsletter now available – February 2021 edition
The latest Star Rating for Schools newsletter is out now – read some great stories of how SR4S Lead Partners are engaging partners and leading safer infrastructures around the world. In this issue: Undertaking SR4S assessments in COVID-19 context FIA School...

Meet an iRAP Accredited Supplier – ARRB Systems Africa
ARRB Systems Africa - Bridging the Gap for a safer tomorrow In South Africa, approximately one million road traffic accidents are reported each year, which results in 40 fatalities and at least 20 permanent disabilities every day. This equates to 25.1 fatalities per...

Dissemination presentations: New videos from Pavesys & SEMIC on iRAP assessments
The “World Bank and iRAP helping save lives in Latin America - BIGRS 2020-25” was a webinar series delivered in December 2020 to help build capacity in Latin American for those interested in using the iRAP methodology to eliminate high-risk roads unlock the economic...

iRAP Training & Accreditation Metrics 2020
2020 was a very challenging year for all of us, and, whilst iRAP stopped delivering on-site training, we were able to adapt all our courses to an online platform effectively. As a result, we currently have 21 online courses across several languages including:...

New e-learning platform coming in 2021
We are moving! iRAP is currently in the process of moving all of our courses to Moodle, a new online Learning Management System in order to improve everyone's experience and learning outcomes. iRAP has 21 online courses available to be taken at your own pace. In the...

NEW Training & Accreditation Newsletter – What’s new for 2021?
Welcome to our first Training and Accreditation newsletter edition for 2021! Firstly we want to thank everyone that participated in our online training last year. 2020 was a year like no other, COVID-19 has changed our lives but we have managed to stay connected...

New IndiaRAP newsletter – Road Safety Month and Beyond
Road Safety Month from 18 January to 17 February has brought national attention to efforts to halve road death and injury by 2030 in the New Decade of Action for Road Safety. As the Month draws to a close, we’re delighted to share with you the achievements of IndiaRAP...