Anditi awarded largest ever AiRAP contract by Main Roads WA
Following previous successful pilot projects for Main Roads Western Australia, Anditi is delighted to announce that it has been awarded the contract for the provision of point cloud feature extraction services across 19,164km of Main Roads Western Australia’s road...
Celebrating FIA club partnerships for safer journeys worldwide
As mobility clubs gather in Spain this week for the 2023 Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) Annual Conference, we are proud to recognise the iRAP club partnerships and projects helping to make roads and school journeys safer in communities across world....
UNRSF 2022 Annual Report launches with iRAP Partner projects featured
iRAP partner work was celebrated in the UN Road Safety Fund 2022 Annual Report: Local Actions, Global Impacts launched on 25 May at a hybrid media event held during the ITF Summit in Leipzig Case stories in the Report feature results from the Fund’s 36 projects in 46...
AiRAP automation for Australian road safety: Final results
Article and image credit: iMOVE The now completed Australian iMOVE project Accelerated and intelligent RAP data collection was a world-leading piece of work in the area of capturing road feature data for road safety star ratings, and a final report on the project,...
Moroccan PIDG workshop promotes safety in projects
Safer Journeys Lead Nathalie Chiavassa was pleased to join the PIDG Institute in Casablanca last week to share how safety can be optimised in the Group’s road infrastructure projects delivered throughout sub-Saharan Africa and south and south-east Asia....
A new EU project is on the Horizon: Meet ELABORATOR!
How to design sustainable urban mobility in a way that is also inclusive, safe, and affordable, paving the way for climate-neutral cities? ELABORATOR has got it covered and iRAP and the European Institute of Road Assessment (EIRA) are proud to join the 38-strong...
Kazakhstan training builds national capacity
iRAP training was held in Almaty and Astana, Kazakhstan late last month for representatives of leading road safety organizations including the Committee for Roads MIID RK, JSC “NC “KazAvtoZhol”, RSE “National Quality Center of Road Assets” and Kazakh Automobile and...
2023 Peter Kissinger Awards announced
Amid great excitement and a few tears, the 2023 iRAP Peter Kissinger Award recipients were announced last week in Berlin, in the virtual presence of Peter’s wife Willie and long-time friend Dave Anderson. In recognition of his great contribution to iRAP and global...
Safer roads for motorcyclists: New report shares global insights
A new report “Safer Roads for Motorcyclists: Moving Towards a Systematic Approach for Motorcycle Safety” inventories the infrastructural challenges that motorcyclists all over the world are confronted with, potential solutions and national case studies of...
Safety focus at Northern Corridor Summit on Multimodal Transport, Nairobi
AfricaRAP Lead Racheal Nganwa has shared the iRAP Methodology and tools to African transport leaders at the Northern Corridor Summit on Multimodal Transport in Nairobi this week. The Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) and Northern Corridor Transit Transport Co-ordination...
2022 Annual Report Showcases Impact
We are delighted to share our 2022 Digital Annual Report showcasing the work of our more than 26,000 partners in 116 countries implementing the Global Plan for the 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 to make roads safer, supported by the charity’s global...
OECD Development Matters: Beyond Fatalities, the Hidden Health Burden of Unsafe Roads
Article reproduced from OECD Development Matters, 17 May 2023 By Nneka Henry, Head of the UN Road Safety Fund and Rob McInerney, Chief Executive Officer for the international Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) Long after the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic,...
African Parliamentarians and Legislators gather for road safety
Article credit: WHO Racheal Nganwa was pleased to moderate two sessions last week at the Annual Meeting of the African Network of Road Safety Legislators that brought together parliamentarians, policy-makers and experts from 10 African countries to strengthen laws and...
World’s largest iRAP assessment underway in Saudi Arabia
The world’s largest ever iRAP assessment of 72,000km has kicked off in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with first training for 45 engineers yesterday. The Roads General Authority project, being led by Euro Group Engineering Consultancy and supported by iRAP...
Dr Olive Kobusingye joins iRAP Board
Dr Olive Kobusingye, Ugandan emergency surgeon and global injury epidemiologist has joined the iRAP Board bringing an important African and health-sector perspective and experience to the charity’s governance. On joining the Board, Dr Kobusingye said, “I welcome the...
iRAP assessment underway between Algerian border and Port of Gabes, Tunisia
The Ministry of Equipment, in partnership with SCET-TUNISIE and Ksentini for Road Safety (KSR) are undertaking an iRAP assessment and audit of road safety on the economic corridors RN15 and RN16 between the Algerian border and the Port of Gabes in Tunisia. The project...
Film shares success of iRAP and NTT’s partnership creating CRM and Partner Portal
A film case study produced by our technical partner NTT has shared how iRAP is leveraging technology in the form of a Partner Management System and Portal to connect people, organisations and data to make roads safer in more than 100 countries. Watch the case study:...
New IDB Report shares road safety progress in Latin America and the Caribbean including iRAP
A new report published by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) shares learnings of the first Decade of Action and prospects to save lives and serious injuries on safer roads in Latin America. The “Road safety in Latin America and the Caribbean: After a...
Join us at the 2023 ITF Summit in Leipzig!
iRAP will be in action at the ITF Summit next month where our key focusses will be on supporting member countries to eliminate high-risk roads, empowering transport safety insights through shared data, and financing equitable, green and safe road infrastructure...
AusRAP news: Tonkin Highway Extension Design awarded iRAP Certification for Safety
Arup, on behalf of Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA), has been awarded iRAP Certification for achieving 3, 4 and 5-star safety ratings for the proposed design of the Tonkin Highway Extension project in Western Australia. The design achieved a 5-star iRAP safety...
Road to Zero exhibit available for iRAP partners’ use
iRAP and the Australian Transport Accident Commission (TAC) partnered late last year to produce a “Road to Zero through the Safe System Approach” exhibit and now offer it for partners to use world-wide. Launched at Safety 2022: the 14th World Conference on Injury...
AusRAP news: ITE-ANZ webinar shares iRAP Practical Investments Saving Lives
Inspirational life-saving success was shared yesterday by the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning, Main Roads Western Australia and iRAP at an Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE-ANZ) webinar on iRAP Practical Investments Saving Lives. Guest...
AusRAP news: Main Roads WA adopts AiRAP road assessment technology
Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) and Anditi have revolutionised road safety assessments with an approach that automatically detects road infrastructure data applied on 2,000km of roads in their goal of Star Rating 80% of the State’s most travelled network, An...