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Safe designs, the Ten Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure, securing commitments to transform the safety of roads by 2030, and celebrating partner success will be critical iRAP focusses at the upcoming IRF World Congress from 14-18 October in Istanbul.

With the theme ‘Connecting to Empower Mobility: Roads as Enablers of a Sustainable Future for All’, the Congress is expected to draw 2,000 participants from 130 countries including governments,  industry (road construction, ITS, concessionaires, toll operators and consulting firms), academia, development banks and financing institutions, technology providers, the UN Regional Commissions and civil society organisations.

A Ministerial Meeting will convene ministers and leading transport organisations at the highest level to drive transformative change by embracing innovation and collaboration. The event agenda also includes plenary and special sessions, six parallel tracks, technical sessions, an Open Stage Cafe and exhibition.

Join us at these iRAP Special Sessions:

MONDAY 14 OCTOBER, 14.00 – 17.30 HOURS

  • Designs to Achieve Global Road Safety Targets – iRAP Practical Skills Training
    This practical training will focus on safe road design, a cornerstone for sustainable mobility and resilient infrastructure. The session will include hands-on use of tools that can help achieve UN Global Road Safety Performance Target 3, including the enhanced Star Rating for Designs Web App.
    ** Note separate registration required “”


  • Ten Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure (Hosted by iRAP, IRF and PIARC)
    The Ten Step Plan for Safer Road infrastructure was produced by the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) partners to support countries seeking to improve road infrastructure safety. It provides a framework to build the institutional capacity, partnerships and regulatory framework in countries. Tanzania was the first nation in the world to implement the Ten Step Plan, and with the support of a grant from the UNRSF, local and international partners will soon begin a second Ten Step Plan project in Senegal. The Plan offers a template that can be adopted by any country and implemented in a way that matches the specific local context and needs.

THURSDAY 17 OCTOBER, 11.00 – 12.30 HOURS

  • High-level Roundtable: Shaping the Future of Road Designs for Safe and Sustainable Mobility (Hosted by IRF and iRAP)
    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set a target to halve road deaths and injuries globally by 2030, and safe road design will be a linchpin for achieving this target and safer, more sustainable and resilient infrastructure. The Global Plan for the Decade of Action on Road Safety recommends undertaking star ratings and road safety audits on all designs to ensure a minimum standard of three stars or better for all road users, emphasising the need for speed management and investment. This roundtable will convene leaders in road infrastructure development to share best practices, strategies, and ongoing projects, along with roadblocks and opportunities to elevate safety in road design globally. It will seek to align priorities on safe road design as we head toward the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Morocco (February 2025), accelerating progress towards achieving the SDGs.

The IRF Congress will provide an important opportunity to further celebrate iRAP partners’ success (in-person) saving almost 700,000 deaths and serious injuries in 74 countries since 2016. Research out of Johns Hopkins University and recently published in PLOS One confirms that using the iRAP methodology, road safety infrastructure changes and safer speeds have achieved this life-saving impact. The study is the first to measure the impact of road projects financed by governments, development banks and private-sector road operators around the world using the iRAP methodology and tools.

Partners’ success will also be shared in presentations on:
  • Halving road deaths and injuries by 2030 through road safety focused PPPs and road concessionaire partnerships
  • Innovation in design for safety on Australia’s Tonkin Highway Extension
  • Enhancing autonomous vehicle safety rhrough real-time iRAP Star Rating assessments using LiDAR and Computer Vision Integration
  • AiRAP – Star Rating every road on earth through the accelerated and intelligent coding of iRAP attributes worldwide
  • Safe infrastructure for walking and cycling – case studies from six countries
  • Safe and inclusive road design in Central Asia
  • Large-scale investment for safety on the Shaanxi Mountain Road Safety Demonstration Project
  • Innovative results-based financing platforms for infrastructure and road safety investment
  • The Route Review Tool – user-friendly solutions to plan road investments for safety
  • Hitting the target – what 75% travel means for cyclists and women

We hope you can join us at this important event!

If you’d like to meet with the iRAP team in Istanbul, please contact Judy Williams, Global Programme and Communications Manager on email

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The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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