At iRAP’s heart is a commitment to a spirit of cooperation between organisations involved in making roads safe. iRAP works closely with automobile associations, governments, funding agencies, research institutes and other non-government community organisations to ensure that projects benefit from broad support and diverse expertise. iRAP is extremely grateful for the support of all our partners.
Our lifesaving work is only possible through the great generosity of key donors and supporters.
iRAP also benefits greatly from the goodwill of many other individuals and research organisations around the world who are committed to saving lives through safer roads.
iRAP welcomes the opportunity to discuss opportunities for donors to support its life saving work.
Development partners
iRAP’s work is supported by a range of influential key development and policy partners with whom we have agreements and project level partnerships in place. Their leadership and support is invaluable in enabling our life saving safer roads projects to become a reality.
Centres of Excellence
iRAP’s protocols and models benefit from the evidence-based research undertaken by world leading road safety research experts. The Centres of Excellence are peak organisations that demonstrate excellence in road safety engineering and are focused on activities for the public good.
Being an iRAP Centre of Excellence is an opportunity offered to only a select few research institutions. Centres of Excellence are selected for their calibre, recognized global status and relevance. There are no fees associated with being an iRAP Centre of Excellence.
Star Rating for Schools (SR4S)
The Lead Partners are world-leading NGO’s involved in school road safety that have supported SR4S development.

iRAP is a member of several organisations and initiatives that support the promotion of safer roads.