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Uruguay: Unidad Nacional de Seguridad Vial (UNASEV) receiving the Global Plan from iRAP Star Rating for Schools’ Lead Partner Fundación Gonzalo Rodríguez

Road safety NGOs in more than 20 countries, supported by local RAPs and YOURS, have met with national decision-makers to present the new Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety and call for political commitment and action to save lives.

The NGOs met with Transport Ministers, road safety agencies, mayors and other stakeholders in India, Thailand, Iran, Argentina, Malaysia, US, Bangladesh, Cote d’Ivoire, Chile, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Cambodia, Lebanon, Rwanda, Guatemala, Nepal, Uruguay, Uganda, Vietnam, Rwanda and Tunisia, to hand over the Plan and present a united civil society voice.

iRAP and Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) partners Fundación Gonzalo Rodríguez, Road Safety Pioneers and Avoid Accident are just some of the NGOs involved in the initiative.

More handovers are planned in the weeks ahead.

City of Mashhad officials with Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) partner Road Safety Pioneers receiving the Global Plan. See the SR4S Case Study profiling  Road Safety Pioneers work making school journeys safer in Iran.

Harpreet Singh of Indian NGO Avoid Accident hands over the plan to the Mayor of the City of Mohali. Avoid Accident has used the SR4S app to assess 3 schools of 2,500 students following training run by the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety

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