Fleet manager and insurance company interest in using Star Rating data to improve organisational health and safety was explored at this week’s NETS Conference in Miami.
iRAP CEO Rob McInerney presented at the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) Annual Strength in Numbers Conference on “How Safe Is Your Workplace? AiRAP Partnerships for the Future”.
The results of a pre-conference NETS Member survey were presented highlighting that 90%+ of respondents are interested in having iRAP Star Rating and fatality and injury predictions that help identify high risk locations and support the identification of the safety route and mode choice for any journey.
NETS is an employer-led public/private partnership dedicated to improving the safety and health of employees, their families, and members of the communities in which they live and work by preventing traffic crashes that occur both on- and off-the-job. NETS Members includes insurers like Chubb and Liberty Mutual and major corporations including Johnson & Johnson, Shell, Toyota, GSK and Schlumberger.
Rob’s presentation demonstrated the role of safe road infrastructure in reducing road crashes, the attributes that matter, and the potential of AiRAP to accelerate the collection and accessibility of infrastructure assessment and road safety data to inform fleet safety and management.
Rob said, “Some roads are safer than others for vehicle occupants, pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists. iRAP Star Rating data which rates the safety of roadways from 1 (the least safe) to 5-stars (the most safe) is highly valuable for fleet managers to make informed decisions on route selection, transport mode and driver and rider training.”

In addition to the Star Rating and fatality and injury risk predictions, the individual road attributes most of interest to survey respondents were:

AiRAP aims to increase the scale and frequency of Star Rating and road attribute data collected to the iRAP global standard that can be made available to all partners via a data marketplace.

Confirmed and potential AiRAP partners supporting the public good, road agency and commercial beneficiaries of the Data Marketplace
In addition to the charity’s global partnerships across 100+ countries Rob’s presentation shared the results of a recent usRAP assessment of a 1,000 mile interstate truck corridor across Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee supported by FedEx.
He also shared the Star Rating for Schools Interactive Tool which shares global school zone safety upgrades insights.
For more information:
- Download the presentation HERE
- For more information on AiRAP, visit https://irap.org/project/ai-rap/
- On NETS and the 2022 Conference, click HERE
- Listen to Rob on the NETS Talk Now, Driving Change Podcast discussing the impact of road infrastructure safety for fleet and community safety worldwide HERE
- Explore the Star Rating for Schools Safe Schools Tracker HERE
- On usRAP, visit http://www.usrap.org/

iRAP has a dream to Star Rate every road on earth in its vision to create a world free of high-risk roads for all road users.

Existing AiRAP partnerships