Celebrating Women in Engineering: Shaping a Brighter Future
Every year, International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) shines a light on the incredible contributions of women to the field of engineering. At iRAP, we recognize the vital role women play in creating a safer, more sustainable future.
This year’s #INWED24 theme, Enhanced by Engineering, perfectly encapsulates our commitment to supporting women in engineering. We’re proud to offer a training grant opportunity again this year, designed to empower and equip the next generation of female engineering leaders.
Women make up just over 20% of our #RAPcommunity and we are keen to see that number grow. With these grants, we hope to support more women in their efforts to save lives on roads around the world.
‘We have been a part of the transportation system historically dependent on males, we now belong to the decision-makers, the designers, and the agents of change, let’s make the transportation system inclusive to all, women, children, the elderly, and the disabled.’ – Nuria Jasira Diaz Vale (Peru) Successful Grant recipient from 2021
The grants are open to women that have a background in road-related planning, design or engineering, and have not previously taken the Star Rating Essentials and Star Rating for Designs courses. Candidates will be selected on answers they provide to the following questions:
- Why would you like to learn more about the iRAP methodology?
- How would you use the knowledge and skills that you learn?
Applications for the Women in Engineering Training Grant Opportunities are now open! Apply on the link below.
IWED Grant Recipient's 2021
In 2021 we were incredibly proud to announce that because of the higher-than-expected interest and number of excellent applications, we had decided to extend the iRAP International Women in Engineering Day Grant Scheme to reward 31 successful recipients instead of 20. These women are from all around the word, including Nepal, Iraq, Brazil, India, Italy, Spain, Uganda, Namibia, Rwanda, Kenya, Poland, Vietnam, Romania, Jordan, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Tanzania and Bangladesh.
Some of the highlights nominated by the successful recipients on how they intend to use use their knowledge include:
- To prioritize investment in Italy
- To teach future engineers at University in Brazil
- To implement in a 6,000km network in Catalonia
- To disseminate to my work colleagues and contribute to the regulatory agencies in Brazil
- To contribute to road safety designs in India
- To advocate for safer roads in Rwanda
- To solve road safety issues and implement the correct and sustainable road safety approaches in Kenya.
- To motivate and pass on the knowledge to other women engineers in Poland.
- To implement in the concession roads in Argentina.
Below is a list of all our successful recipients.
Name | Job Title | Organisation | Country |
Abeer Jameel | Lecturer | Mustansiriyah University | Iraq |
Andressa Ka Yan Ng | Porfessora Substituta | UFAL - Universidade Federal de Alagoas | Brazil |
Archana Bhanga | Authority Engineer | MARC Technocrats Pvt.Ltd. | India |
Barbara Bianchini | Engineer | ANAS S.p.A. | Italy |
Betania Paulino | Analista de Infraestrutura de Transportes - Engenharia Civil | Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes - DNIT | Brazil |
Bruna Andrade | Analista de Novos Negócios | Grupo CCR Engelog | Brazil |
Cintia Campos | Professora | Universidade Federal de Goiás | Brazil |
Cristina Gil | Road auscultation manager | Generalitat de Catalunya | Spain |
Daisy A. Latim | Volunteer Graduate Civil Engineer | Volunteer at UNRA (Design department) | Uganda |
Elina Hamatwi - Lumbu | Senior Specialist - Roads Legislation Compliance | Roads Authority of Namibia | Namibia |
Giuseppina Pappalardo | Post-Doc Research | University of Catania | Italy |
Joyce Ishimwe | Volunteer | Healthy People Rwanda | Rwanda |
Joyce Kihachu | Assistant Engineer | KeNHA-CAS Consultant | Kenya |
Katarzyna Turoń | Scientific Assistant | Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering, Department of Road Transport | Poland |
Larissa Wendling | Especialista em Regulação | ANTT | Brazil |
Le Thi THUONG | Traffic Engineer | Oriental Consultants Global | Vietnam |
Linda Nekesa Masibo | Project Manager | Hasselt University | Kenya |
Luana Viana de Paula Cabral | Project Manager | Certare Engenharia e Consultoria | Brazil |
Mariana Niculescu | Engineer - Head of Office Pavement Management System | CESTRIN - Center for Road Technical Studies and Informatics - National Road Administration of Romania | Romania |
Michelle Maura Ribeiro | Engenheira Civil e Professora Universitária | Arcadis Brasil e UniCEUB | Brazil |
Muna Abdelbaqi | Road Safety Engineer | Jordan Society for the Prevention of Road Accidents | Jordan |
Naomy Chemutai | Engineer (Roads) | Kenya National Highways Authority | Kenya |
Natalia Tinjaca | Consultora Nacional en Seguridad Vial | Organización Panamericana de la Salud | Colombia |
Nuria Jasira Diaz Valer | Especialista en Seguridad Vial | Municipalidad de Miraflores | Peru |
Passy Muriuki | Graduate Engineer Transportation Department | Gibb Africa Limited | Kenya |
Pranita Rana | Member | Safe and Sustainable Travel Nepal | Nepal |
Reema Basnet | Engineer | SSTN- Safe and Sustainable Travel Nepal | Nepal |
Sambriddhi Shrestha | Engineer, Senior Officer | Safe and Sustainable Travel Nepal, Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal | Nepal |
Sinchita Poddar | Junior Monitoring Specialist | Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) | Bangladesh |
Yael Zaidenknop | Jefe de proyectos y licitaciones | Autopistas Urbanas S. A. | Argentina |
Yvonne Kilauwo | WASH Engineer | Norwegian Refugee Council | Tanzania |
IWED Grant Recipient's 2022
In 2022, we were are incredibly proud to announce that this year’s 30 iRAP International Women in Engineering Day Grant recipients are from 19 countries, including Thailand, Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico, India, Philippines, Kenya, Australia, Colombia, Malaysia, Ecuador, Slovak Republic, Cameroon, Romania, South Africa, Peru, Tunisia, Bangladesh and El Salvador.
Some of the highlights nominated by the successful recipients on how they intend to use their knowledge include:
- To use the iRAP methodology to assess the safety of roads, and incorporate safety measures in the design phase in Kenya.
- To evaluate roads in the city of Quito (Ecuador).
- To prioritise investments in India.
- To assess roads in Thailand and Laos.
- To make the roads of El Salvador safer and diminish the awful accidents that happen every day. With this knowledge, I would be able to assist my company more effectively in new road projects that require iRAP’s star rating system.
- To integrate the proper and appropriate road safety measures that will surely address the safety and mobility problems in the Philippines’ national road network.
- To give me the opportunity to develop more comprehensive advocacy work to create safer streets for children in particular (South Africa).
Below is a list of all our 2022 successful recipients.
Name | Job Title | Organisation | Country |
Abbey Luttrell | Project Manager / Civil Engineer | GHD | Australia |
Aimee Wescombe | Business Group Leader - Transport Tasmania | GHD | Australia |
Annesha Das Hasi | Executive Engineer at Roads and Highways Department | Roads and Highways Department Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
Asfia Sultana | Executive Engineer | Roads and Highways Department Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
Besung Albright Ngum-Numfor | Graduating student, Masters in Civil Engineering | National Advanced School of Public Works | Cameroon |
Blanca Rosa de Guadalupe Ortega Reyes | Técnico, atención y seguimiento de auditorias | Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Obras Públicas del Estado | Mexico |
Camila Elias | Civil Engineer | SDK Engineering | El Salvador |
Carolina | Engenheira civil Coordenadoria de operação | DER-SP | Brazil |
Denyssa Pelin | Public Relations Specialist on Road Safety | National Company for Road Infrastructure Administration (NCRIA) | Romania |
Doreen Alekana | Graduate Engineer | Egis | Kenya |
Eunice Wahome | Lecturer | Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology | Kenya |
Imen Makhlouf | Senior Transport Engineer | Private sector-PIARC-ATR | Tunisia |
Kala P | Director-Road User Safety | Kerala Road Safety Authority | India |
Katherin Dahiana Silva Cutti | Ayudante de ingeniero | MTOP - Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas | Uruguay |
Kirsten Wilkins | Managing Director | Open Streets Cape Town | South Africa |
Kunnawee Kanitpong | Professor | Thailand Accident Research Center, Asian Institute of Technology | Thailand |
Maisa Pires | Engenheira Civil de Projetos, ênfase em Segurança Viária | Arteris S.A. | Brazil |
María González | Special Project Manager | Consultores de Transporte, S.A. | Mexico |
Marjorie Añasco | Engineer III - Planning and Design Section, Traffic Engineering Division, Bureau of Quality and Safety | DPWH-Central Office, Traffic Engineering Division - Bureau of Quality and Safety | Philippines |
Martha Plazas | Civil Engineer | National Road Safety Agency of Colombia | Colombia |
Megha Kashyap | Executive Transport Planning | Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System Limited | India |
Norfaizah Binti Mohamad Khaidir | Research Officer | Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) | Malaysia |
Pamela Alejandra Villacrés Tapia | Architect - Master in Transport Management. Mention in Mobility, Transit and Road Safety | Metropolitan Transit Agency of the city of Quito | Ecuador |
Patricia Bertozzi | Consultoria especialista em transportes | PPB Engenharia EPP | Brazil |
Patricia Karen Illacanchi Guerra | Mobility Consultant | Road Safety Directorate - Peru | Peru |
Romana Solarikova | Project Manager | Ministry of Transport and Construction of Slovak Republic | Slovak Republic |
Rosebrenda Muchiga | Engineer Roads | Kenya National Highways Authority | Kenya |
Samantha Chapman | Transport Engineer - BEng(Civil)(Hons) | GHD | Australia |
Sharon Selein | Assistant Engineer | Material Testing and Research Division | Kenya |
Zoranyi Sierra Díaz | Ingeniera Civil Especialista en Seguridad Vial | Interventoria Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura - Universidad Nacional de Colombia | Colombia |