iRAP was delighted to join Ministers, 260 speakers and a reported 5,000 attendees from 120 countries at the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, held from 15-20 February (inclusive of Side Events) in Marrakech, Morocco.
Organized by the Kingdom of Morocco with the World Health Organization (WHO), the conference brought together leaders and experts from around the world to review progress at the midpoint of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030. Commitments and plans to accelerate action towards the Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDG) target of halving global road deaths and injuries by 2030 were shared.
iRAP shared our partners’ success utilising the iRAP methodology and tools to eliminate high-risk roads in countries, and the lifesaving potential of achieving UN Targets 3 and 4 by 2030 with Ministers, national delegations and government authorities shaping their next five-year plans.
Globally, achieving more than 75% of travel on 3-star or better roads for each road user will save an estimated 300 million deaths and injuries over the life of treatments, reduce global road trauma by a third and deliver over $8 of benefits for each $1 invested.
What a busy week it was!
iRAP in Marrakech
The scale of iRAP’s contributions and impact in global road safety were apparent with extensive references to the program throughout the conference. iRAP played in active role in sessions including:

Ten Steps to 2030 for Safer Road Infrastructure
iRAP’s full day Side Event co-hosted with the International Road Federation (IRF) and World Road Congress (PIARC) explored the road safety impact of the Ten Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure, including its implementation success in countries (Tanzania; Senegal; Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan; Mauritania, Morocco and Senegal), and its life-saving potential as a template that can be adopted by any country to achieve safer roads and mobility for a sustainable future for all. The Gary Liddle Memorial Trophy was presented recognising the world’s best performing road authority/s eliminating high-risk roads.
See the highlights and recording here.

Exhibiting the Life-saving Potential of Safer Roads and Supporting Bilateral Meetings
iRAP hosted a booth in the Ministerial Exhibition. It was a busy hub for bilateral meetings with Ministers and senior delegates including from: Brazil, Pakistan, Mauritius, Peru, UK, EU, Saudi Arabia, Cameroon, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, Thailand, Cambodia, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Italy, Oman, Kenya, Philippines, Malaysia, Ghana, Albania, Vietnam, and Singapore. The meetings provided a vital opportunity to share progress and opportunities for projects and programs to lift road infrastructure safety to the minimum 3-star or better global standard.

iRAP-led Safe Journeys to School Session at 3rd World Youth Assembly
The two-day 3rd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety brought together 150 young leaders from 130+ countries to shape the future of safer, more sustainable mobility. iRAP’s session shared the global success of the Star Rating for Schools Program and Youth Engagement App, providing practical training in the tools helping to make school journeys safer across the world.
Youth was a major focus of the week with the Fifth Anniversary of iRAP’s Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) Program celebrated during the FIA Foundation Side Event “Challenge 2030: Achieving the Global Road Safety Goals”.
Read about the program’s five-year impact here.
In addition, the FIA Foundation’s Report “Life Support: Advancing the Global Agenda For Financing and Action on Road Safety” was released including iRAP data. Hear iRAP’s Acting CEO and Global Program Director Greg Smith and others discuss the report at left.

Enhancing Safety for Powered Two- and Three-Wheelers Users Panel Session

Advancing the Safe System Approach: Enablers, Challenges, and Lessons for Implementation Session (hosted by the International Transport Forum (ITF))

Unlocking the Potential of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Event (organised by the UN Road Safety Fund and iRAP)

Private Sector Role in Road Safety Side Event (hosted by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS))
iRAP also participated in the High level Roundtable on the Safe System (hosted by the ITF).
Partnerships for 2030 Impact
During the week, iRAP signed five agreements:
- MOU with the Africa Road Maintenance Fund Association (ARMFA);
- MOU with the West Africa Road Safety Organization (WARSO);
- MOU with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB);
- MOU with the National Road Safety Agency (NARSA) of Morocco; and
- A National Licence Agreement with the National Highway Authority (NHA) of Pakistan to formally establish PakRAP.
Contributing to Global Knowledge and Enquiry
A number of reports were released during the week sharing iRAP data and partner success:
- Financing Road Safety: Catalyzing the Sustainable Finance Market to Bridge the Gap (World Bank Treasury)
- Ensuring Roads are Upgraded and Lives Saved: The Keys to Implementation Success (iRAP with GPAC)
- AiRAP big data partnerships help ensure 75% of travel is on 3-star or better roads for all road users by 2030
- New Approach to Mapping Bicycle Travel and Road Safety: A Collaboration Between Dokdata and iRAP
- Safer Active Travel: Addressing a Global Blind Spot (Partnership for Active Travel and Health (PATH))
- Mobility Snapshots Report: Using Local Data to Turn Dangerous Realities into Safe, People-centred Streets (Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety)
- Life Support – Advancing The Global Agenda For Financing and Action on Road Safety (FIA Foundation and Child Health Initiative)
- Africa Status Report on Road Safety (SSATP)
- Protecting Young Lives – UNICEF Global Status Report on Child and Adolescent Road Safety
- Child Health Initiative Manifesto 2030 Progress Report
Celebrating Commitments for Safer Roads

iRAP, the International Road Federation (IRF) and the FIA Foundation called on organisations involved in designing and financing roads to pledge their commitment to safer roads and mobility ahead of the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety. Campaign outcomes were shared in Marrakech including 186 pledges from individuals and organisations in 64 countries. Global attention was drawn to the importance of safe design and commitments in support of UN Targets 3 and 4. Supporters were also invited to add their pledges to the Ministerial Commitments Register.
Read about the #SaferRoadsPledge and its supporters here.
During the week, iRAP shared the extensive number of countries whose road safety strategies and action plans include iRAP key performance indicators for road infrastructure safety.
Ministerial Outcomes
The Marrakech Declaration, agreed to by participating countries urges Member States and relevant actors to accelerate and scale up efforts to implement the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021–2030, making road safety a political priority and ensuring its relevance as an enabler of the broader sustainable development agenda noting the opportunities and challenges presented by the current geopolitical context.
Click here to read more about how iRAP tools, resources and partners support implementation of the Declaration.
The Event in Film and Pictures
iRAP Global Program and Communications Manager Judy Williams
iRAP Safer Journeys Specialist Samar Abouraad (in Arabic)
iRAP Safer Journeys Lead for Africa Nathalie Chiavassa (in French)
Images courtesy of iRAP and Omar Bouzidi