Big data presents amazing opportunities for scientific discovery and technological progress. iRAP partners around the world have collected close to 1,000,000km of data from roads across 90 countries. Unlocking the power of this data to inform research and activity that saves lives and serious injuries on safer roads worldwide is a key iRAP goal.
iRAP is working on a number of Big Data applications, the most recently released of which is Vaccines for Roads analyses 358,000km of data from 54 countries, including over 400 million data points drawn from low-, middle-, and high-income countries. It provides an interactive data analysis tool for reviewing how roads rate, as well as how road users fare on them globally and by country, whilst outlining the road features that matter. The analysis reveals that 88% of travel is only 1-2 stars for pedestrians, 67% of travel is only 1-2 stars for motorcyclists, 86% of travel is only 1-2 stars for bicyclists, and 44% of travel is only 1-2 stars for vehicles.
Vaccines for Roads combines these big data insights with case studies of success and the Business Case for Safer Roads. Achieving >75% of travel on 3-star or better roads by 2030 will save an estimated 467,00 lives every year and 100 million lives and serious injuries over the 20-year life of the treatments. Visit for more information.
Vaccines for Roads was launched at the ITF Summit in Leipzig in 2018 and is widely being used by partners globally to understand the road safety performance of roads in their country and region and life-saving and economic potential of safer roads investment.