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Following the launch of BrazilRAP São Paulo in May, programme lead Department of Highways (DER-SP) has released its 2024-2030 Plan which aims to halve the state’s road traffic fatalities supported by use of the iRAP methodology and tools to eliminate high-risk roads for all road users.

The plan aims to evaluate road infrastructure safety performance according to the iRAP methodology, identify and prioritise improvement of high-risk 1 and 2-star road sections, ensure new and rehabilitated motorways reach a minimum 3-star safety rating, and develop a web platform to monitor road conditions according to iRAP.

The plan consists of five stages, including road risk identification, road safety assessment to inform investment in prioritised, evidence-based countermeasures to improve safety, implementation, performance monitoring and dissemination of results.

Improving the road safety of vulnerable road users and the promotion of participation of active modes of mobility (walking and cycling) are also key.

The Plan represents the first road safety manual produced by the DER-SP and is an important milestone in the evolution and improvement of the road safety on São Paulo’s state motorways.

BrazilRAP São Paulo is the first partnership of its kind signed by a state government (in Brazil and the world). It is bringing together local experts, research and resources, supported by BrazilRAP and the global iRAP partner network and tools to drive road safety innovation and outcomes to save lives and reduce road traffic injuries.

The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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